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Brian A. Brown

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Brian A. Brown was born in 1988 in Detroit Michigan. After graduating from High School, he decided to pursue a degree in communications at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. He has since graduated from college and is now pursuing a career as an author, script-writer, and a television producer. He likes to have fun, and enjoys sports, games, music, writing, and film. He also spends much of his time planning for his future in writing and music. The Think About It Series was written because of his concerns about the inability of some kids and young adults to make sound decisions. He‛s had a very tough childhood and school life, which have taught him many lessons at an early age, and wants to serve as a positive role model, so other youth can learn from his experiences. Brian conceived the idea of the Think About It Series when he was 13 years of age. He then began writing this series when he was 15 years old as a way of dealing with day-to-day problems that he came in contact with. Each day he had to think and make a decision about how he would respond to particular situations or events. His plans are to own his own businesses, and to continue writing and public speaking as a way to help young people in society learn that they have the power to rise above bad situations and make wise choices.

“Never Be Still unless you're resting. If you're not at rest, you should be taking action.”
Brian A. Brown
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“For every moment I smile, I've endured a thousand frowns”
Brian A. Brown
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“For every moment I smile, I've braved a thousand frowns.”
Brian A. Brown
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