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Brian Bianco

Before I tell you a little something about me, I want to tell you about my book, Dressed for a Kill, first.

I worked hard on writing this book, creating characters that are as real as you and I, that you can easily relate to and like as I take you on a journey into their lives and why the things that happened, happened, Some of the traits portrayed by the characters are some of those that we find in everyday life, which may not be the most desirable but that is what life is, not always agreeable and not easily understood if we don't or can't understand the reasoning behind their motives. This is what one reviewer wrote: ". . . with a main character you love to hate". Although the reviewer saw the flaws in this person, the reader could still relate to him. Another wrote: "I felt I knew each character's personality . . " This is music to my ears because a reader felt and experienced what I was trying to create. And she wasn't the only one. More than a couple of others stated how the characters drew them in, that the story is both realistic and entertaining. One reader wrote that the story is unique and although every story has already been written by those before us, I tend to agree with the reader that the storyline is indeed, unique because of the different elements that make up the story. Reviewers mention the twists and turns in the book, how it kept them guessing until the very end. As one person put it, "The ending is superb and will not happen until the very last pages. (That, to me, really sells it.)" Another wrote, "I started it on a boring train ride and almost missed my stop." She finished off her review with this, "What can you say after outstanding?" The book will or at least it should leave you thinking when you have finished reading as to just how close the antagonist came to pulling off the perfect crime. As one reviewer put it, "This is the first book I have read by this author and found it an excellent book. Lots to make you think about and good twists. Great read and certainly recommended."

So there it is from some who have read the novel, Dressed for a Kill. But I don't want you to take my word or the word of those who have already read the book. Instead, find out for yourself. Get yourself a copy. I guarantee you will not be disappointed.

Now, a little something about me.

I am born, raised and living in the beautiful city of Vancouver, home of the 1986 World's Fair (Expo '86) and the 2010 Winter Olympics. I attended university at Simon Fraser but never completed my studies, the problem being I never knew ​what I wanted to do or be until finally one day, while watching an Oprah Winfrey Show, I came away inspired. Corny, I know but that is what actually happened. Its also ironic, since her show was about inspiration. The next day I was at my computer, typing the first words to my novel, Dressed for a Kill. It took me a year to write but not because I was suffering from writers block. Quite the contrary. What I wanted was to do it right the first time. First impressions are important because you will never get another chance to impress your audience, which is you, the reader.​​​​

I love writing, creating something from nothing, being able to make a whole new world come alive. Writing is a passion, being creative an art and I think, that maybe, I have finally found what I was meant to do.

I hope you enjoy the book, leave a review if you 'liked' it and look forward to reading my next novel, Painted Ladies.



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“reviews are as varied as the people who leave them.”
Brian Bianco
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“If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there".”
Brian Bianco
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