Brian Jacques (pronounced 'jakes') was born in Liverpool, England on June 15th, 1939. Along with forty percent of the population of Liverpool, his ancestral roots are in Ireland, County Cork to be exact.
Brian grew up in the area around the Liverpool docks, where he attended St. John's School, an inner city school featuring a playground on its roof. At the age of ten, his very first day at St. John's foreshadowed his future career as an author; given an assignment to write a story about animals, he wrote a short story about a bird who cleaned a crocodile's teeth. Brian's teacher could not, and would not believe that a ten year old could write so well. When young Brian refused to falsely say that he had copied the story, he was caned as "a liar". He had always loved to write, but it was only then that he realized he had a talent for it.
He wrote Redwall for the children at the Royal Wavertree School for the Blind in Liverpool, where as a truck driver, he delivered milk. Because of the nature of his first audience, he made his style of writing as descriptive as possible, painting pictures with words so that the schoolchildren could see them in their imaginations. He remained a patron of the school until his death.
Brian lived in Liverpool, where his two grown sons, Marc, a carpenter and bricklayer, and David, a professor of Art and a muralist, still reside. David Jacques' work can be seen in Children's hospitals, soccer stadiums, and trade union offices as far away as Germany, Mexico, and Chile (not to mention Brian's photo featured in most of his books).
Brian also ran a weekly radio show on BBC Radio Merseyside, until October 2006, where he shared his comedy and wit, and played his favourites from the world of opera - he was a veritable expert on The Three Tenors.
When he was wasn't writing, Brian enjoyed walking his dog 'Teddy', a white West Highland Terrier, and completing crossword puzzles. When he found time he read the works of Mario Puzo, Damon Runyon, Richard Condon, Larry McMurty, and P.G. Wodehouse. He was also known to cook an impressive version of his favourite dish, spaghetti and meatballs.
Sadly, Brian passed away on the 5th February 2011.
“Who knows, my friend? Maybe the sword does have some magic. Personally, I think it's the warrior who wields it.”
“An early fly landed on Mara's eyelid.She shooed it off with a dozy paw as she awakened to peachgold dawn stealing softly over the sleeping dunes.The land lay in a pool of serinity;the sand,now still and cool,awaited sun-warmed day.Somewhere a lark began trilling as it fluttered its morning ascent into the airy heights.”
“Peace has gone on too long. Something inside me says that trouble such as these shores have never known is headed our way.”
“The crafty otter produced a flat pebble from his helmet, spat on one side of it, and held it up for the bird to see. 'Right, I'll spin ye. Dry side, I win, wet side, you lose. Good?' The honey buzzard nodded eagerly... Buteo's keen eyes watched every spin of the stone until it clacked down flat on the deck. Garfo grinned from ear to ear. 'Wet side! You lose!”
“The Land of Dreams, that mystical realm,where the oddest of visions appear,come wander through scenes of joyful peace, or stampeded through nightmares of fear. Dare we open those secret doors,down dusty paths of mind,in long-forgotten corners, what memories we'll find.Who rules o'er the Kingdom of Night,where all is not what it seems?'Tis I, the Weaver of Tales,for I am the Dreamer of Dreams!”
“I say, sah! Sorry to trouble you to get off your big fat bottom and help a poor gel out!" "I would not have helped if you hadn't have needed it. You were doing well on your own until the vermin started trying to use trickery." Dottie bounced on her footpaws, her large ears stand up straight. "I know, sah! The bally old blighters didn't know wot hit 'em!" Lord Brocktree hid a smile.”
“There is no greater evil than killing. I don't care whether they call it war or justice. Life is precious.”
“There are enough cowards in the world without killing a brave creature for so little reason.”
“Tis a far cry from home for a poor lonely thing,O'er the deeps and wild waters of seas,Where you can't hear your dear mother's voice softly singLike a breeze gently stirring the trees.Come home, little one, wander back here someday,I'll watch for you, each evening and morn,Through all the long season 'til I'm old and greyAs the frost on the hedges at dawn.There's a lantern that shines in my window at night,I have long kept it burning for you,It glows through the dark, like a clear guiding light,And I know someday you'll see it, too.So hasten back, little one, or I will soon be gone,No more to see your dear face,But I know that I'll feel your tears fall one by one,On the flowers o'er my resting place.”
“Are you going to go down on your knees and beg for your life, old one?" Abbot Mortimer stared calmly into Cluny's savage eye. "I will never bend my knee on my own behalf. However, if I thought I could save the life of one of my friends I would gladly fall down on both knees. But I know you, Cluny, better than you know yourself. There is not a scrap of pity or mercy in your heart, only a burning desire for vengeance. Therefore, I will not kneel to one who is consumed by evil.”
“No doubt your sword is indeed a beautiful thing. It is a tribute to whoever forged it in bygone ages. There are very few such swords as this one left in the world, but remember, it is only a sword, Matthias! It contains no secret spell, nor holds within its blade any magical power. This sword is made for only one purpose, to kill. It will only be as good or evil as the one who wields it. I know that you intend to use it only for the good of your Abbey, Matthias; do so, but never allow yourself to be tempted into using it in a careless or idle way. It would inevitably cost you your life, or that of your dear ones. Martin the Warrior used the sword only for right and good. This is why it has become a symbol of power to Redwall. Knowledge is gained through wisdom, my friend. Use the sword wisely.”
“Where's the point in fighting and slaying if you can make a friend out of anybeast instead of a foe?”
“Quick as a flash, Sawney Rath's eyes hardened. "Then I'm ordering you to skin Felch alive!" He took the otter's paw, closing it over the knife handle. "Obey me!"The crowded clearing became as silent as a tomb. All eyes were upon the Taggerung, awaiting his reaction to the order.Tagg turned his back on Sawney and strode to the side of the fox strung up to the beech bough. He raised the blade. Felch shut his eyes tight, his head shaking back and forth as his nerves quivered uncontrollably. With a sudden slash Tagg severed the thongs that bound him. Felch slumped to the ground in a shaking heap. Tagg's voice was flat and hard as he turned to face Sawney."I'm sorry to disobey your order. The fox is a sorry thief, but I will not take the life of a helpless beast.”
“Sometimes friends do go from us-it will happen more and more as you grow up, Chugg. But if you really love your friends, they're never really gone. Somewhere they're watching over you and they're always there inside your heart.-Martin”
“He came with death held in his pawWhich no rat born could faceOh woe to those who break the lawOf Sunflash and his mace!”
“Absoballylutely top hole, wot. A and B the C of D I'd say. . . Above and Beyond the Call of Duty.”
“Basil Stag Hare tut-tutted severely as he remarked to Ambrose Spike, 'Tch, tch. Dreadful table manners. Just look at those three wallahs, kicking up a hullaballoo like that! Eating's a serious business.”
“Tell the Queen that there's been a robin red-breast hanging about Kotir grounds. It flies down low and vanishes near the floor. Cludd thinks it might be something to do with those woodlanders. Now, I'm to say nothing to Fortunata or Ashleg...'I must tell the Queen that a robin has seen Cludd hanging about. No, that's not right. I must tellt he robin taht Cludd has been hanging the Queen.”
“Defend the weak, protect both young and old, never desert your friends. Give justice to all, be fearless in battle and always ready to defend the right."—The law of Badger Lords”
“In our imaginations we can go anywhere. Travel with me to Redwall in Mossflower country.”
“Pick-a-lock, Pick-a-lock, you'll regret the day,When you took a mouse thief and locked him away,Silly cat, look at that, it's two for one,A thief and a warrior, by dawn will be gone.”
“Fate is fickle, and the company of unwilling friends short lived.”
“Sometimes the gift of an inquisitive nature to the young can be greater than that of the wisdom which comes of age.”
“Weapons may be carried by creatures who are evil, dishonest, violent or lazy. The true warrior is good, gentle and honest. His bravery comes from within himself; he learns to conquer his own fears and misdeeds.—Matthias”
“The young mouse's eyes snapped open, clear and bright. He swung the ancient sword high and struck at the giant adder.He struck for Redwall!He struck against evil!He struck for Martin!He struck for Log-a-Log and his shrews!He struck for dead Guosim!He struck as Methuselah would have wanted him to!He struck against Cluny the Scourge and tyranny!He struck out against Captain Snow's ridicule!He struck for the world of light and freedom!He struck until his paws ached and the sword fell from them!”
“Aha! Today I shall become an author! And I will auth and auth and auth and make a squillion dollars, whoopee!”
“Even the strongest and bravest must sometimes weep. It shows they have a great heart, one that can feel compassion for others.”
“Throughout his life the memory of that happy day stayed locked secretly in (his) heart.”
“It's a long hard road ahead for you, little warrior. Enjoy a happy day while you can. —Boldred”
“We could have chopped down the sycamore with this...”
“Friar Hugo, old friend, brace yourself. I am the bearer of tragic news!"Alarm spread across Hugo's pudgy features. "Tell me, Jess. What dreadful thing has happened?"Jess spoke haltingly in a broken voice. "I fear that Cluny has tore up one of your oldest and most venerable dishrags. Alas, Redwall will never see it wipe another plate.”
“Step aside? I step aside for nobeast, whether it be a hallowed hedgehog, an officious otter, a seasoned squirrel, a mutterin' mole or a befuddled badger!”
“ Boorab's spear was a window pole. He stood on the second step, barring their way. "Who goes there? State y'business, wot?" Brother Hoben tapped an impatient paw on the bottom step. "Come out of the way, please. We'ew going to the walltop." The hare twitched his whiskers officiously. "No Dibbuns allowed up here. You're not Dibbuns, are you?" Cregga took hold of the window pole he was clasping and lifted both Boorab and the pole, with one paw, down onto the grass. "Do we look like Dibbuns? Don't try my patience, sah!" "Just doin' one's duty," he muttered up the steps after them, somewhat creastfallen. "I was only asking a civil question, wot. Humph, some creautres!”
“Death comes to us all sooner or later. We cannot escape it.”
“Don't be ashamed to weep; 'tis right to grieve. Tears are only water, and flowers, trees, and fruit cannot grow without water. But there must be sunlight also. A wounded heart will heal in time, and when it does, the memory and love of our lost ones is sealed inside to comfort us.”
“Sighing restlessly, the boundless sea broke huge rollers into white cream which hissed hungrily up to the tideline.”
“But the warriors true, the brave of heartWho valiently upheld the rightThey are raised on high to the velvet skyBringing light to the darkness of night”
“I am that is, my sword shall wield for me.”
“If y'can't see with yore own two eyes what's in front of them, then y'better off closin' 'em an' goin' t'sleep, 'tis far more restful! —Gerul”
“You will find joy, frustration and sorrow in your quest. Never forget that friendship and loyalty are more precious than riches...Happiness can be brief, but it knows no time in the land of dreams.”
“...there's me, Gurth, Dotti, Grenn an' about a hunnerd shrews. If'n we wants to lie 'round for a day or two then you'll find yore prob'ly outvoted!"Lord Brocktree's eyes told the otter that he was not about to have his decision overruled. Swinging forth his battle blade, he stuck it quivering into the ground. "Lets's be reasonable about this, friend. Let me explain the rules. One Badger Lord carries two hundred votes and his sword carries another hundred. Agreed?"Ruff looked from the sword to the badger. Sunlight gleamed from the blade lighting Brocktree's eyes with a formidable gleam. He smiled nervously at his huge friend. "Reason, that's wot I likes, mate. Vote carried. We go after brekkist tomarrer!”
“Food to eat and games to play.Tell me why, tell me why.Serve it out and eat it up.Have a try, have a try.”
“Sala-manda-stron, look out here we come,A thief a warrior and a mole.Though the quest may take its toll,We'll march until we reach our goal,”
“The more 'otter it is, the more 'otter otters likes it”
“Shake paws, count your claws,You steal mine, I'll borrow yours.Watch my whiskers, check both ears.Robber foxes have no fears.”
“I think that others can drive a creature to naughtiness, always accusing and blaming them. After a while it must make the creature unhappy and drive be naughty, because nobody expects them to be good...”
“All little creatures are beautiful...every living thing when it first sees life is born in beauty. What they grow to be is a different matter.”
“You love young ones and babes, I know this. The young will always befriend and admire you...all the young ones of the earth belong to you in friendship. Be good to them. —Breeze, to Sunflash the Mace”