Brian Tracy is Chairman and CEO of Brian Tracy International, a company specializing in the training and development of individuals and organizations.
He has consulted for more than 1,000 companies and addressed more than 5,000,000 people in 5,000 talks and seminars throughout the US, Canada and 55 other countries worldwide. As a Keynote speaker and seminar leader, he addresses more than 250,000 people each year.
Brian has studied, researched, written and spoken for 30 years in the fields of economics, history, business, philosophy and psychology. He is the top selling author of over 45 books that have been translated into dozens of languages.
He has written and produced more than 300 audio and video learning programs, including the worldwide, best-selling Psychology of Achievement, which has been translated into more than 20 languages.
He speaks to corporate and public audiences on the subjects of Personal and Professional Development, including the executives and staff of many of America's largest corporations. His exciting talks and seminars on Leadership, Selling, Self-Esteem, Goals, Strategy, Creativity and Success Psychology bring about immediate changes and long-term results.
Prior to founding his company, Brian Tracy International, Brian was the Chief Operating Officer of a $265 million dollar development company. He has had successful careers in sales and marketing, investments, real estate development and syndication, importation, distribution and management consulting. He has conducted high level consulting assignments with several billion-dollar plus corporations in strategic planning and organizational development.
He has traveled and worked in over 80 countries on six continents, and speaks four languages. Brian is happily married and has four children. He is active in community and national affairs, and is the President of three companies headquartered in San Diego, California.
His most popular training programs are centered around teaching authors how to write a book and helping public speakers create successful careers.
“Commit yourself to lifelong learning. The most valuable asset you'll ever have is your mind and what you put into it.”
“I found that every single successful person I’ve ever spoken to had a turning point and the turning point was where they made a clear, specific, unequivocal decision that they were not going to live like this anymore. Some people make that decision at 15 and some people make it at 50 and most never make it at all.”
“The more you discipline yourself to use your time well, the happier you will feel and the better will be the quality of your life in every area.”
“You are fully responsible for everything you are, everything you have and everything you become.”
“Throughout my career, I have discovered and rediscovered a simpletruth.It is this: the ability to concentrate single-mindedly on yourmost important task, to do it well and to finish it completely, is thekey to great success, achievement, respect, status and happiness inlife.”
“The happiest people in the world are those who feel absolutely terrific about themselves, and this is the natural outgrowth of accepting total responsibility for every part of their life.”
“Think continally about what you want, not about the things you fear.”
“Read an hour every day in your chosen field. This works out to about one book per week, fifty books per year, and will guarantee your success.”
“The future belongs to the competent. It belongs to those who are very, very good at what they do. It does not belong to the well-meaning.”
“Committing your goals to paper increases the likelihood of your achieving them by one thousand percent.”
“An average person with average talent, ambition and education can outstrip the most brilliant genius in our society, if that person has clear, focused goals.”
“To earn more, you must learn more.”
“The biggest mistake we could ever make in our lives is to think we work for anybody but ourselves.”
“Your life only gets better when you get better.”
“The Key to Success is Action”
“Whatever you believe, with conviction, becomes your reality.”
“You become what you think about most of the time”
“Your success in life will be in direct proportion to what you do after you do what you are expected to do.”
“There's only one direction you can coast.”
“The price of success must be paid in full, in advance.”
“If you can get yourself to read 30 minutes a day, you're going to double your income every year.”
“When you allow yourself to begin to dream big dreams, creatively abandon the activities that are taking up too much of your time, and focus your inward energies on alleviating your main constraints, you start to feel an incredible sense of power and confidence.”
“Invest three percent of your income in yourself (self-development) in order to guarantee your future.”
“Those people who develop the ability to continuously acquire new and better forms of knowledge that they can apply to their work and to their lives will be the movers and shakers in our society for the indefinite future.”
“Love only grows by sharing. You can only have more for yourself by giving it away to others.”
“Positive expectations are the mark of the superior personality.”
“You are where you are and what you are because of yourself, nothing else. Nature is neutral. Nature doesn't care. If you do what other successful people do, you will enjoy the same results and rewards that they do. And if you don't, you won't.”
“The sad fact is that people are poor because they have not yet decided to be rich. People are overweight and unfit because they have not yet decided to be thin and fit. People are inefficient time wasters because they haven’t yet decided to be highly productive in everything they do.”
“The success you are enjoying today is the result of the price you have paid in the past.”
“Make your life a masterpiece; imagine no limitations on what you can be, have or do”
“If the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning is eat a live frog, then nothing worse can happen for the rest of the day!"Brian Tracy says that your "frog" should be the most difficult item on your things-to-do list, the one you're most likely to procrastinate on; because, if you eat that first, it'll give you energy and momentum for the rest of the day. But, if you don't...if you let him sit there on the plate and stare at you while you do a hundred unimportant things, it can drain your energy and you won't even know it.”
“Success in life is in direct proportion to what you do after you do what you are expected to do.”
“Always give without remembering and always receive without forgetting.”
“Never say anything about yourself you don't want to come true”
“f you expect to be successful, you will eventually be successful. If you expect to be happy and popular, you will be happy and popular. If you expect to be healthy and prosperous, that is what will happen... Always think and talk positively about the future. Start every morning by saying: 'I believe something wonderful is going to happen to me today.' Then, throughout the day, expect the best.”
“An average person who develops the habit of setting clear priorities and getting important tasks completed quickly will run circles around a genius who talks a lot and makes wonderful plans but gets very little done.”
“Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement.”
“Life is like a combination lock; your job is to find the numbers, in the right orders, so you can have anything you want.”
“Your most vauluable asset can be your willingness to persist longer than anyone else.”
“In every company which I have done strategic planning, the number-one value people choose is always integrity. The second values may be quality of products and services, caring about people, excellent customer service, profitability , innovation, entrepreneurship, and others. But integrity always comes first.”
“In Re-framing, you interpret the event in a positive way. You change your language . Instead if defining it as a problem you re-frame it as a situation . A problem is something that is upsetting and stressful. A situation is something that you simply deal with .”
“it's impossible to remain angry or blame other people for problems in your life when you are saying , "I am responsible”
“the quality of your thinking is largely determined by the quantity of the information you have with which to work ”
“the better you think , the better decisions you make . the better decisions you make , the better actions you take . the better actions you take , the better results you get ”
“knowing how to deal with change effectively is a primary requirement for living successfully in perhaps the most exciting time in all of human history ”
“Truthfulness is the main element of character.”
“If you don't set goals for yourself, you are doomed to achieve the goals of someone else.”
“Nobody works better under pressure. They just work faster.”
“ cannot eat every tadpole and frog in the pond, but you can eat the biggest and ugliest one, and that will be enough, at least for the time being.”
“Dress for success. Image is very important. People judge you by the way you look on the outside”