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Brian Yap

“The trouble with Malaysia, however, is that whenever someone criticises the administration of the country, argues against the government's policies, exposes wrongdoing, marches on the street in protest, ridicules government officials, questions accepted truths and sacred cows, or holds opinions outside of mainstream - in other words, exercises his basic right and responsibilities as a citizen - he is branded as unpatriotic, pro-opposition or, worse, asked to leave the country.”
Brian Yap
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“The trouble with Malaysia is, we don't act like we have that kind of power.”
Brian Yap
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“Even a child would think twice before touching a hot kettle once burned, but in Malaysia, we simply make new plans, and repeat the same old mistakes. The MSC, E- Village, and the Paya Indah Wetlands.”
Brian Yap
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“The trouble with Malaysia is we are subconsciously trying to erase our past. The history beyond the prescribed narrative of The Alliance achieving Merdeka and Tunku calling out "Merdeka" seven times are often undiscussed - or worse, considered untrue and disrespectful - within the mainstream.”
Brian Yap
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“In a world that has essentially turned away from racism, it is shocking to me that the color of the skin of the bakery owners should still matter to anyone.”
Brian Yap
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“By linking something to race or religion, politicians distract Malaysians from the core issue while also garnering support from those whose identities depend heavily on their racial or religious identities - meaning most Malaysians.”
Brian Yap
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“Malaysians don't like to read. If you're reading this, you must not be liking it, or not Malaysian.”
Brian Yap
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“Yes, the media is biased. And yes, elections in Malaysia are really more a test of each party's organisation, machinery, and the number of flags and posters it can put up than a contest of ideas, manifestos and positions on issues - all facts that give plenty of advantage to the incumbent.”
Brian Yap
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“Yes, the elections aren't free and fair. Yes, the 'first past the post' system, coupled with delineation of constituencies and gerrymandering, is a problem.”
Brian Yap
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“The trouble with Malaysia is that too many people like to tell others what the trouble with Malaysia is. This includes me of course.”
Brian Yap
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