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Briana Blair describes herself as "An author, artist, writer, geek and freak", and she is proud of the things that make her stand out from the crowd. A free-thinker, she's not afraid to speak her mind even in the face of negative feedback. She is an ordained minister and Doctor of Metaphysics. She is also a writer and artist, and combines her varying skills within both her writing and artwork.
As a writer, Briana has written over 400 poems for the series The Dark Side of My Mind, more than 400 articles for various sites, produced a horror/sci-fi novel at age 13, and has 30 published books with more on the way. True to her eclectic nature, she writes for many genres including erotica, self-help, humor and modern fantasy. Her books are available in print, epub, Nook, Kindle, iTunes and Google formats. Information about and links to all of her books can be found on her blog, BrianaDragon Creations.
As an artist she has produced thousands of pieces of digital and traditional art, along with jewelry, sculpture, and various other crafts. Always a fan of living outside the box, she never creates what's trendy, only what she herself loves and believes in. She currently produces art for Zazzle.
"Get a job you love, and you'll never work a day in your life". Briana believes that everyone should balance work with an enjoyment for life and also encourages people to learn, grow, and strive to be the best person they can possibly be.
“I'm fully aware that some of the stuff I write is going to offend people or p*ss them off. They should be fully aware that I don't really care.”