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Brittney Ryan

Brittney Ryan is an American author who was born in Portland, Oregon. She attended the University of Portland’s School of Dramatic Arts and Music. Since then, she has performed in musicals and has worked as a composer, producer, and television commentator. However, Ryan is best known as a storyteller and the New York Times bestselling author of The Legend of Holly Claus, a magical Christmas fantasy about the daughter of Nicholas Claus (known to many around the world as Santa Claus). Ryan got the idea for Holly Claus when she was just seventeen and performing in a Christmas musical in her hometown. A little girl climbed on to her lap and whispered a question into her ear: “Are you Santa’s daughter?” While creating her story, Ryan took inspiration from the literature she loved most as a child—classics such as A Christmas Carol, Oliver Twist, Little Women, Treasure Island,and, most importantly, The Wizard of Oz.Ryan lives and works in California.

Here is a quote from the author Brittney Ryan

"My intent was to write a story that would become a true legend, so it was important to me to present Holly Claus’s story as a legend, a fantasy that would become a part of the culture…a tradition…a classic. I want Holly’s story to endure for generations."

“One of the bravest thing a child can do is dream, and believe it is truly possible. Brittney Ryan”
Brittney Ryan
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“My intent was to write a story that would become a true legend, so it was important to me to present Holly Claus’s story as a legend, a fantasy that would become a part of the culture…a tradition…a classic. I want Holly’s story to endure for generations."
— Brittney Ryan”
Brittney Ryan
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“It's a strange truth that no matter how persuaded we might be of our own correctness, the discomfiting realization that others disagree with us causes a paralyzing inability to argue the case convincingly.”
Brittney Ryan
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