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Bryan A. Wood

Bryan A. Wood is the author of the newly released dramatic memoir Unspoken Abandonment (Free Sample). It is the story of Bryan's journey from combat operations in Eastern Afghanistan to adjusting to a life torn apart after war. This true story, which is one of hope and inspiration for anyone who has ever faced life's trials and tribulations, will touch your soul and change the way you look at life forever. Prepare for a breathtaking journey into the heart of Afghanistan, and then experience every emotion along Bryan's journey to finding peace - from the terrifying experiences of war, to the heart warming moment of finding true love, and everything in between. Available in paperback, Kindle, or Nook.

“For some life is incredibly easy, and for others, life is incredibly hard. Regardless of what side you fall on, you will certainly face challenges in your life. It's how you face and overcome these challenges that will ultimately define you as a person.”
Bryan A. Wood
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