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Bryant McGill

Bryant McGill is a human potential thought leader, international bestselling author, activist, and social entrepreneur. He is one of the world's top social media influencers reaching a billion people a year. His prolific writings have been published in thousands of books and publications, including a New York Times bestselling series, and his Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestseller, read by over 60 million people. He was the subject of a front-page story in the WSJ, has appeared in Forbes, Nasdaq's leadership series, and was listed in Inc. Magazine as one of, "the greatest leaders, writers and thinkers of all time."

McGill is a United Nations appointed Global Champion and a Nobel Peace Prize nominee, who received a Congressional commendation applauding his, "highly commendable life's work,"​ as an Ambassador of Goodwill. His thoughts on human rights have been featured by President Clinton's Foundation, in humanities programs with the Dalai Lama, and at the Whitehouse. He has appeared in media with Tony Robbins and Oprah, in a Desmond Tutu endorsed PBS Special with Jack Canfield, and has delivered speeches at the United Nations' General Assembly Hall on Human Rights Day, with the Los Angeles Mayor's Office, and with Dr. Gandhi, Grandson of Mahatma Gandhi.

McGill's work has been endorsed by the president of the American Psychological Association, and has appeared in Psychology Today, and in meditation programs by Deepak Chopra. His writings have been published by Oprah's Lifeclass, Simon & Schuster, Random House, HarperCollins, Wiley, McGraw Hill, and Writer's Digest. His writings are regularly used in the curriculum at the university level, have been reviewed and published by the dean of NYU, Dartmouth, Stanford, and Yale, and were implemented into a campus installation at Bangkok University.

McGill is on a quest to prove that life is still beautiful, and that all people have the power to have a better life and world — NOW.

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“Nothing is more beautiful than freedom, and nothing more grotesque than its molestation.”
Bryant McGill
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“The greatest crimes in the world are not committed against the body, but against the freedom of the consciousness.”
Bryant McGill
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“There is nothing more powerful and nothing more dangerously beautiful than a free mind.”
Bryant McGill
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“What happens to those who live dangerously by being true to who they are?”
Bryant McGill
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“Consuming what is natural, good and untainted frees you, protects you, and realigns you with what is natural, peaceful and safe.”
Bryant McGill
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“We all know there is something wrong with our culture, the state of our world, and with ourselves.”
Bryant McGill
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“We are all artificial and have been unnaturally changed by violence and unwholesome conditioning.”
Bryant McGill
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“The need for gain, and advantage over others, is one of the chief driving forces behind all human misery.”
Bryant McGill
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“We have been trained by a culture of violence and we are all agents of passive violence.”
Bryant McGill
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“Modern consumer life is a form of extreme passive violence against all people.”
Bryant McGill
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“Institutions have processes favoring efficiency over loss, and process over people.”
Bryant McGill
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“Humanity has been institutionalized and we are all the products of commercial and institutional life.”
Bryant McGill
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“Modern society, the political body, the legal and judiciary system, the state of governance, capitalism and the very fabric of the society itself, including our religions and so-called morals and values, are institutions steeped in traditions of absolute and total violence.”
Bryant McGill
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“We must imbue our children with principles of the higher-self, principles which see all people as true equals, and above all, which are sensitive to the delicate and fragile balance of life.”
Bryant McGill
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“We need to begin to see hyper-masculinity as the disorder it is, and not as a strength.”
Bryant McGill
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“The natural and untainted male mind respects and loves the woman and her magnificent scope of capability and creative gifts.”
Bryant McGill
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“Males have been groomed since birth, according to the specifications of a sick and perverse society, to become instruments of war.”
Bryant McGill
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“The world has been loaned to humanity by the universal powers of creation.”
Bryant McGill
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“The system has already anticipated the freedom seeking mechanism in humans.”
Bryant McGill
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“The dark war consciousness and pride have seized upon the weak, with great cynicisms and glib, soulless intellects, that grind away like robotic gears at what they despise and can never understand.”
Bryant McGill
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“The battlefields of life were first meadows and gardens. We made them into battlefields, and by the same power, we must release the dark spell, so they are meadows and gardens once again.”
Bryant McGill
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“There is a grand union beyond nationalism which serves all people, and which is rooted in what is real, versus what has been created or produced.”
Bryant McGill
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“The inherent prejudice in unnaturally-produced nationalism causes a form of cultural blindness, which prevents us from seeing the obvious ways we could co-exist in the world as a co-operative human family.”
Bryant McGill
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“The existence of excessive nationalism is a symptom of a deeper problem in the collective consciousness, which is continually being exploited.”
Bryant McGill
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“National identity acts as a consumer lever to manipulate the emotions of the masses, for the purposes of power regulation and the fulfillment of agenda”
Bryant McGill
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“Every state's emblematic propaganda is worshiped by the consumer-citizen as a super-logo, a brand Juggernaut.”
Bryant McGill
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“National pride is the culmination of a lifetime public relations campaign of psychological mind-control techniques.”
Bryant McGill
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“Privileged groups work for greater power consolidation through favoritism.”
Bryant McGill
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“Every soul is beautiful and precious; is worthy of dignity and respect, and deserving of peace, joy and love.”
Bryant McGill
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“To have our needs met, to love, to be loved, to feel safe in this world and to each know our purpose, is a simple matter of creating those blessings for others.”
Bryant McGill
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“Each person carries within their core the birthright of creative freedom, which, when organized and orchestrated, is the most awesome force on earth.”
Bryant McGill
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“Giving is the master key to success, in all applications of human life.”
Bryant McGill
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“Cynicism is one of the terrible obstacles to progress.”
Bryant McGill
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“Unleash your mighty words, and with them, recreate a new and more beautiful world for all.”
Bryant McGill
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“The passive and overt violence waged against the women and children of the world must end.”
Bryant McGill
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“There can never be any real freedom on earth as long as people try to exert ownership over the natural resources of the world.”
Bryant McGill
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“Because of our interconnectedness we all know that extreme poverty and exclusionary practices are violations against the basic dignity of people.”
Bryant McGill
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“There is a deep interconnectedness of all life on earth, from the tiniest organisms, to the largest ecosystems, and absolutely between each person.”
Bryant McGill
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“The vast and beautiful world is the home we share together.”
Bryant McGill
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“Ownership is yet another of the endless forms of arrogance engaged in by the lower self.”
Bryant McGill
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“The natural resources of the world do not belong to any person, organization, collective, or so-called nation.”
Bryant McGill
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“We must seek together to address the good aspirations of people everywhere, for we are bound together through great commonality.”
Bryant McGill
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“Almost everything a person thinks is a lie, and an assault against the natural soul.”
Bryant McGill
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“In so many ways we are still in the dark ages, but there is light appearing over the horizon of choice and consciousness.”
Bryant McGill
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“Reach deep within, and reconnect with the essence of your being.”
Bryant McGill
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“Within each person is the miracle of a unique consciousness unlike any other in the universe.”
Bryant McGill
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“Within you is the power of unlimited creation.”
Bryant McGill
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“Every person's true identity is beautiful, and much of the ugliness we observe in others was put inside of them by external influences.”
Bryant McGill
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“We all know the true nature of the human soul, because we have all looked into the eyes of children, and saw ourselves looking back.”
Bryant McGill
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“Lust for possession and greed has ravaged the soul of humanity like a great cancer, metastasizing throughout society in the form of a nouveau post-human, consumer hedonism.”
Bryant McGill
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