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Bryant McGill

Bryant McGill is a human potential thought leader, international bestselling author, activist, and social entrepreneur. He is one of the world's top social media influencers reaching a billion people a year. His prolific writings have been published in thousands of books and publications, including a New York Times bestselling series, and his Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestseller, read by over 60 million people. He was the subject of a front-page story in the WSJ, has appeared in Forbes, Nasdaq's leadership series, and was listed in Inc. Magazine as one of, "the greatest leaders, writers and thinkers of all time."

McGill is a United Nations appointed Global Champion and a Nobel Peace Prize nominee, who received a Congressional commendation applauding his, "highly commendable life's work,"​ as an Ambassador of Goodwill. His thoughts on human rights have been featured by President Clinton's Foundation, in humanities programs with the Dalai Lama, and at the Whitehouse. He has appeared in media with Tony Robbins and Oprah, in a Desmond Tutu endorsed PBS Special with Jack Canfield, and has delivered speeches at the United Nations' General Assembly Hall on Human Rights Day, with the Los Angeles Mayor's Office, and with Dr. Gandhi, Grandson of Mahatma Gandhi.

McGill's work has been endorsed by the president of the American Psychological Association, and has appeared in Psychology Today, and in meditation programs by Deepak Chopra. His writings have been published by Oprah's Lifeclass, Simon & Schuster, Random House, HarperCollins, Wiley, McGraw Hill, and Writer's Digest. His writings are regularly used in the curriculum at the university level, have been reviewed and published by the dean of NYU, Dartmouth, Stanford, and Yale, and were implemented into a campus installation at Bangkok University.

McGill is on a quest to prove that life is still beautiful, and that all people have the power to have a better life and world — NOW.

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“All discomfort comes from suppressing your true identity.”
Bryant McGill
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“Extreme nationalism objectifies and dehumanizes those from other countries.”
Bryant McGill
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“The Constitution itself, the DNA of the country, can be altered by the collective will of the people, making America a self-evolving and self-writing program.”
Bryant McGill
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“From generation to generation, America should never be the same country.”
Bryant McGill
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“Out of the hobbled spirit of attachment, and the insecure need of belonging, come the gross judgments against those who do not belong.”
Bryant McGill
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“There are possibilities that exist beyond our present "knowing," and to see those possibilities, we must abandon that which makes us feel safe.”
Bryant McGill
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“The highway of human possibility extends on forever into unknown territories, which have not yet been imagined.”
Bryant McGill
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“Every symbol, word, concept, discipline and field is only a temporary rest stop on the highway of discovery.”
Bryant McGill
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“We are sitting on top of a vast cultural and historical pyramid of accumulated misconceptions, lies and myths, built one on top of the other.”
Bryant McGill
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“Like in the animal kingdom, where every creature has its defenses and weapons, humans also possess powerful instruments for camouflage, defense and attack.”
Bryant McGill
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“We live in a culture of violence.”
Bryant McGill
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“All violence demands reform, and all violence desperately begs to be healed.”
Bryant McGill
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“Innocence still lives within our hearts and the child within each of us knows right from wrong.”
Bryant McGill
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“Begin to see the violence around you; begin to see the violence within you.”
Bryant McGill
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“The real safety net of life is community, family and nature.”
Bryant McGill
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“There is nothing higher-class than real craftsmanship, diversity, originality and the service of skilled human hands.”
Bryant McGill
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“The deceptive, glossy media images of faces, bodies and social lifestyles, make us hate ourselves so we will buy a solution to love ourselves once again.”
Bryant McGill
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“Beautiful food and health are priceless.”
Bryant McGill
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“Real value come from nature and human resources, both of which we already possess.”
Bryant McGill
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“When people are treated like a product, they become obsessed with materialism.”
Bryant McGill
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“In consumer life we become what we consume-disposable junk to be used and thrown away.”
Bryant McGill
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“When we buy junk, we become junk.”
Bryant McGill
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“We make junk, we consume junk and we are junk.”
Bryant McGill
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“A disposable society is only fit for disposable people.”
Bryant McGill
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“When we do not know our true identity as powerful creators, we are susceptible to being used and manipulated.”
Bryant McGill
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“Materialism is an identity crisis.”
Bryant McGill
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“We believe we are the consumers, but we are the consumed.”
Bryant McGill
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“Nature is the supreme cradle of life, and must be protected and treated with the highest respect and care.”
Bryant McGill
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“Turn to your community and the great earth for sustenance and knowledge.”
Bryant McGill
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“The simple things in life are the greatest gifts.”
Bryant McGill
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“You are not really free, and that is why you do not know what I am talking about.”
Bryant McGill
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“Progress and healing involves seeing every person as not so different from ourselves.”
Bryant McGill
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“Humanity needs heroic leadership from those who see all life as precious.”
Bryant McGill
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“Wake-up! Think for yourself, be yourself and return to what is real.”
Bryant McGill
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“Free your mind and free yourself from brand slavery.”
Bryant McGill
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“Control is not humble; control is arrogant.”
Bryant McGill
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“Monoculture wants you to forget that the joy of life is in the community of the village, where you can touch, taste, smell, feel and experience a motley potpourri of cultural vicissitudes.”
Bryant McGill
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“Food is a part of our contract with life.”
Bryant McGill
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“True freedom and power only comes when one is free of attachments.”
Bryant McGill
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“The mythology of freedom under capitalism for the average person is a con job.”
Bryant McGill
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“Dare to believe that good things are possible when you follow your heart.”
Bryant McGill
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“Turn towards love, and become love.”
Bryant McGill
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“Since the human mind is the primary weapon of the human being, it is also therefore the primary and most significant instrument of violence.”
Bryant McGill
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“Often, men want money to get women, or to use women to get money, or both at the same time.”
Bryant McGill
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“It is the socially determined norms and traditions of gender roles, which must be challenged, and challenged with vigor. In nearly all countries, including America, the truth is that women have a low social status, and are considered inferior.”
Bryant McGill
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“Assaults against women and children are assaults against any potential positive future for the world.”
Bryant McGill
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“You are creating through your choices, even now. Choose wisely.”
Bryant McGill
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“And how does one lead? We lead by doing; we lead by being.”
Bryant McGill
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“Each individual is born into life as a creation from the source, and as an inhabitant and visitor to this planet.”
Bryant McGill
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“We all draw breath and life from the same source of creation.”
Bryant McGill
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