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Bryant McGill

Bryant McGill is a human potential thought leader, international bestselling author, activist, and social entrepreneur. He is one of the world's top social media influencers reaching a billion people a year. His prolific writings have been published in thousands of books and publications, including a New York Times bestselling series, and his Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestseller, read by over 60 million people. He was the subject of a front-page story in the WSJ, has appeared in Forbes, Nasdaq's leadership series, and was listed in Inc. Magazine as one of, "the greatest leaders, writers and thinkers of all time."

McGill is a United Nations appointed Global Champion and a Nobel Peace Prize nominee, who received a Congressional commendation applauding his, "highly commendable life's work,"​ as an Ambassador of Goodwill. His thoughts on human rights have been featured by President Clinton's Foundation, in humanities programs with the Dalai Lama, and at the Whitehouse. He has appeared in media with Tony Robbins and Oprah, in a Desmond Tutu endorsed PBS Special with Jack Canfield, and has delivered speeches at the United Nations' General Assembly Hall on Human Rights Day, with the Los Angeles Mayor's Office, and with Dr. Gandhi, Grandson of Mahatma Gandhi.

McGill's work has been endorsed by the president of the American Psychological Association, and has appeared in Psychology Today, and in meditation programs by Deepak Chopra. His writings have been published by Oprah's Lifeclass, Simon & Schuster, Random House, HarperCollins, Wiley, McGraw Hill, and Writer's Digest. His writings are regularly used in the curriculum at the university level, have been reviewed and published by the dean of NYU, Dartmouth, Stanford, and Yale, and were implemented into a campus installation at Bangkok University.

McGill is on a quest to prove that life is still beautiful, and that all people have the power to have a better life and world — NOW.

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“We can change the world one thought at a time, one child at a time, one family at a time, one community at a time, one city, one state and one country at a time.”
Bryant McGill
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“Let the change begin with your choices this very moment.”
Bryant McGill
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“The world is starving for leaders who are not afraid to dismantle the sacred and precious beliefs, which hold us as prisoners of the past.”
Bryant McGill
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“Discovery requires courage and acceptance that we are not in control, and that the future is uncertain.”
Bryant McGill
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“The world is starving for original and decisive leadership.”
Bryant McGill
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“As the master creators on this planet, we can improve conditions for all and learn greater respect for others.”
Bryant McGill
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“It is a responsibility for those that see and have understanding, and choose to not be bridled by fear, to step forward and lead the way.”
Bryant McGill
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“The world, as it is, is not a permanent reality, but is a temporary product of our choices as creators.”
Bryant McGill
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“We must stop treating the environment possessively, and as an expendable commodity.”
Bryant McGill
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“Rather than trying to master nature we should start with the basics of trying to understand nature, cooperate with nature.”
Bryant McGill
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“There are enough resources in the world for everyone.”
Bryant McGill
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“Nature is our salvation, not technology or the intellect. Technology can neither save us nor destroy us. Technology can only aid the will, thus it is the will and our choices which determine everything.”
Bryant McGill
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“Kindness is seen as weakness and intelligence worshiped, even when that intelligence allows unfathomable injustice and suffering to occur under its smart watch.”
Bryant McGill
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“Instead of narrowing our allegiances to only include our favored nation, let us sing an anthem to the marvelous human being.”
Bryant McGill
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“Patriotism is merely deeply-rooted government brand loyalty.”
Bryant McGill
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“Cooperation is a higher moral principle than competition.”
Bryant McGill
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“All people want to be safe and feel loved.”
Bryant McGill
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“Our natural rights come from an authority beyond the petty rule of man.”
Bryant McGill
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“We must protect and share the world.”
Bryant McGill
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“There is no greater intelligence than kindness and empathy.”
Bryant McGill
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“Our truest nature is to help others, and to protect and love them. We care about others, and delight in seeing others happy and safe.”
Bryant McGill
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“People who have trouble questioning their own country often have trouble admitting fault in themselves, both of which come from insecurity and lack of humility.”
Bryant McGill
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“Kindness is the supreme intelligence.”
Bryant McGill
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“Life moves forward. The old leaves wither, die and fall away, and the new growth extends forward into the light.”
Bryant McGill
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“Questioning ourselves and our country is healthy and essential.”
Bryant McGill
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“Change represents the real spirit of democracy and the real America.”
Bryant McGill
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“The ignoramus crow of "love it or leave it" omits other viable options, such as staying and changing it.”
Bryant McGill
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“America was never designed to be fixed forever, but was meant to be fluid and evolving.”
Bryant McGill
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“Rejecting predatory capitalism in America is a way to respect and honor America.”
Bryant McGill
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“Corporate power consolidation is so enormous that even the government could be viewed as a small appendage of a larger corporate organism.”
Bryant McGill
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“We must dilute and disperse all forms of concentrated power that refuse to be accountable to majority wishes.”
Bryant McGill
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“The offspring of nationalist thinking too often expresses itself in exclusionary and passively-violent legal policies, and then sadly, through militarism, which becomes manifest on the endless blood-soaked borders and battlefields of humanity's great failure as a humane species.”
Bryant McGill
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“Nationalism is a form of cultural self-centeredness, and as a collective thought-form, can only exist because the dominant in-group is itself comprised of self-centered and narcissistic individuals.”
Bryant McGill
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“Nationalism is form of collective narcissism, where the citizens possess an inflated self-love of "their own people," to the exclusion of other human beings.”
Bryant McGill
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“We huddle tightly together as cowards, protecting the ranks of our false collective identity from "less-human" intruders, when the only obvious and sane truth is that we are all the same human beings.”
Bryant McGill
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“Our minds of infinite possibilities have been plowed, seeded and cultivated by every word, institution and sacred belief we hold dear, to produce a foul harvest of exclusion, apathy, brute domination and death.”
Bryant McGill
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“The unlimited creativity of humanity has created cruelty so chilling that death itself has become a welcomed and kind benefactor.”
Bryant McGill
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“Every word you speak is a prayer, or meditation of reinforcement which creates permanence.”
Bryant McGill
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“No political body is sacred, sustainable or under protection, which allows the exploitation of its weakest citizens.”
Bryant McGill
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“No nation's flag is great or glorious if it flies over the weak and downtrodden, even if they raise and protect it out of misguided allegiance.”
Bryant McGill
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“The conflicts we have with the outside world are often conflicts we have within ourselves.”
Bryant McGill
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“Religious fundamentalism, magical thinking and self-delusion, have been justifications for some of the most horrific atrocities in human history.”
Bryant McGill
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“We find ourselves constantly in battle in the vast human theaters of conflict.”
Bryant McGill
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“Prejudice comes from insecurity and its spiritually infantile need of belonging.”
Bryant McGill
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“Control thought-forms are the basis of our deepest moral crisis.”
Bryant McGill
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“Love and respect changes everything.”
Bryant McGill
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“There is no problem that greater consciousness and compassion, enjoined with positive resolve of will cannot solve.”
Bryant McGill
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“Break free from the chains which shackle each soul through the binding links of fear, greed and indifference?”
Bryant McGill
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“Many an injustice is presented as solution and gift.”
Bryant McGill
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“The pain of humanity's most maltreated victims echoes deep within each of us, in the form of our shame or ignorance.”
Bryant McGill
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