Originally from a small town called Ladysmith in British Columbia, Canada - Brynna now lives in the UK with her recently procured husband. She has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Creative Writing and a Master's Degree in Publishing. When she's not writing or stuck in her day job, she devours novels, loses hours on the internet and watches far too much TV for her own good.
“Why are you so upset? Why do you look like you’ve just lost your heart? Because the guy you’ve wanted for so long finally wants to be with you? Or because the guy you actually love thinks the worst of you?”
“So unless you really care about me as a person, stop bothering me. I’m done pretending, you should be too.”
“After years of self deprecating behavior, I’ve never learned how to properly take a compliment. A part of me wants to argue with him, to tell him there’s nothing special about me.”
“Do you know what that’s like? How good it feels? For once in my life, someone wants me.”
“I can barely get a guy in my own town to realize I'm alive. Well that’s not true, he knows I’m alive. He just doesn't t look at me the way I want him to. Like, well like the way Grant is looking at me right now. His eyes all gentle and questioning, his lips slightly parted.”
“Up until now I've never done anything bad—not that this is bad. I've never even been late for curfew! Compared to most teenagers, I'm a miracle. You're lucky I'm your daughter.”
“...but maybe it's just the genetic code of a teenager. If your parents forbid something, you have to want it.”
“...the difference between me and her is that she loves being smart, and I love learning, and those are two very different things.”