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C. Michael Powers

C. Michael Powers loves bending imagination, twisting emotions, and revving up mental motors to create dark, horrifying, and fantastical stories sure to shock and surprise his readers. He enjoys juggling novels, novellas, and screenplays, to keep the stories fresh and to keep the shackles on that dreaded writer’s block dragon that dwells somewhere deep down in the basement. Check out C. Michael Powers’ work here on this site and go to http://www.cmichaelpowers.com for more info.

Oh, and when he’s not busy trying to sound super cool and artistically impressive here in this virtual world, he hangs out with his wife and four kids in the country of Panama, where he also works on his website there, sharing his experiences with others thinking of making the move overseas at http://www.PanamaForReal.com.

Wait, a few more things, he also likes baked ziti, peanut butter and jelly, cold beer, horror movies, country music (when he’s not writing), movie scores (when he is writing), girls who wear glasses (sorry honey, but your eyesight is just too good for me), and the new Looney Tunes show (that Daffy Duck is friggin’ hilarious).

He hates bullies, green olives, room-temperature milk, V-neck T-shirts, and getting those messages on Facebook that want him to prove how good of a friend he is by copying and pasting and sharing the message (WTH, he’s a great friend!).

Okay, enough about this egotistical bastard.

“If your milk is expired, you don't have enough time on your hands. There's always time for cereal.”
C. Michael Powers
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