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Cali Amber


Thank you for checking out my book. I am an 18-year-old author and my debut novel, Lacey's Chain, is available on Amazon, my website, and at The Book Loft. Lacey's Chain is about a high school girl who decides to fake her suicide to see how other people at her school are affected. It follows the lives of several teens and shows the consequences of her action in their lives. There will be a continuation of the novel in my second book, Unchained, which will be released next year. I also speak to teenagers and pre-teens about writing my book and "tough stuff" (depression, suicide, anorexia, drinking, etc...) to help them better understand themselves, their friends, and life in general. I look forward to continue writing about such topics in order to help others connect with my writing. I am currently working on Unchained and Maybe She Noticed, but they are still a long ways away from being done. I'm very excited and I hope you continue to follow me and my writing.

Stay Strong♥

Cali Amber

“To write, all you need is a creative mind and a lot of free time.”
Cali Amber
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“I write for teens (I am one!) and I hope to help them connect with the writings and enjoy reading.”
Cali Amber
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