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Cally Taylor

Cally Taylor lives in Bristol with her boyfriend, baby son and their ridiculously large DVD/book/music collection. She shares her 'study' with the washing machine and surf board and writes her novels in any spare moments she can squeeze in between the day job and her social network addiction . She started writing fiction in 2005 and her short stories have won several awards and been published by a variety of women's magazines. Her debut novel Heaven Can Wait has been translated in 13 languages and was voted 'Debut Novel of the Year' by and Home for Christmas is her second novel.

Cally's third book, psychological suspense novel "The Accident" (written as CL Taylor) will be published by Avon HarperCollins in April 2014 and in the US as 'Before I Wake' in June 2014.

You can find out more about Cally on her website - - or read her blog at http://writing-about-writing.blogspot...

“Celebration called for more booze than normal, everyone knew that.”
Cally Taylor
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“We just sat there on the sofa and looked at each other, a kind of unspoken mutual understanding filling the silence.”
Cally Taylor
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