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Calvin Michel Sidjaja

Calvin Michel Sidjaja (施忠鴻) is a Chinese-Indonesian book author. He graduated from Parahyangan Catholic University, majoring International Relations. He was also a recipient of New Zealand Development Scholarship 2013-2015 and a graduate from Massey University, majoring International Development.

In 2006, he won the third place of the most prestigious Indonesia literary awards, Jakarta Arts Council Novel Competition for his Indonesian-language novel Jukstaposisi: Cerita tuhan Mati. In 2008 the novel received honor to become a finalist of Khatulistiwa Literary Awards 2008 for the category of Gifted Young Writers.

Calvin was born in Makassar. His great grandfather, Sie Ho Long (施荷农 was migrated to Makassar in early 20th century due to massive poverty during Imperial China. His ancestry could be traced back to Shi Tiao Geng (施調賡) who was still honored in Longxi, Fujian.

“Sewaktu tertidur, aku bermimpi bahwa aku tuhan. Lalu aku menjadi lupa, apa aku tuhan yang sedang tertidur dan bermimpi menjadi manusia, atau manusia yang sedang tidur dan bermimpi jadi tuhan.”
Calvin Michel Sidjaja
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