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Candice Speare

Candice lives in the semi-suburbs of Maryland with her husband, family, and a dog named Jack. When she's not writing, she might be gardening (translate: fretting over the flowerbed, wondering what happened to her green thumb). She likes photography, scrapbooking, and housewifely endeavors. As is true with most authors, Candice's interests are numerous. In addition to mystery, romance, and suspense novels, her stack of "things to be read" includes newspapers from the 1800s, magazines from the early 1900s, biographies, diaries, and historical medical books.

Candice is represented by the MacGregor Literary Agency. She's a member of ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers). You can visit her at

“....the challenge in following childrens' conversational twists is the leading cause of brain-cell loss in mothers.”
Candice Speare
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