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Cara Chow

Cara Chow was born in Hong Kong and grew up in the Richmond district of San Francisco.

Her inspiration for the first book, Bitter Mellon, is her own life because she attended an all-girls' Catholic high school and competed in speech competitions. She was a PEN Emerging Voices Fellow in 2001.

She currently lives in the Los Angeles area with her husband and son.

“After coming this far, I can´t give up.”
Cara Chow
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“It is like choosing whether to cut off one's right hand or one's left hand. It is like having to decide whether to save your drowning mother, knowing that you may both drown, or swimming to shore alone, knowing that you can only save yourself. If that is your dilemma, which way is right? Which way would you choose?”
Cara Chow
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“When I look back, my greatest accomplishment in high school has nothing to do with competition and winning. I learned to use my own judgement and not to follow others blindly. I learned to judge myself based on my own standards. I learned to find my own voice. I learned to speak my own truth. I have nothing to show for these achievements, no grades, no medals, trophies, or diploma. Yet these are the achievements that can't be taken away by loss, failure, or misunderstanding.”
Cara Chow
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“So how do you know when you're a winner? Easy. It's when good is not good enough.”
Cara Chow
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“That's the first time I've ever heard the idea of unconditional love outside the context of religion. In theology class, I always hear about God's love, about his loving us even though we're sinners. But the idea that real live parents could be unconditionally loving is completely foreign... How can anyone be loved not for what they do but for who they are? Isn't who you are defined by what you do?”
Cara Chow
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