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Carey Wallace

Carey Wallace was raised in small towns in Michigan. Her work has appeared in Oasis, SPSM&H, Detroit's MetroTimes and quarrtsiluni, which she guest-edited in 2008. She is a founder of the Working Artists Initiative for the International Arts Movement, which helps emerging artists establish strong creative habits, of the Zoae Series, a New York arts showcase which she directed until 2008, and of the event-based Lost City Gallery, which has connected young artists with patrons in both New York and Detroit. She is a photographer with Detroit Safari, which has documented Detroit's vulnerable abandoned landmarks annually since 2003. In 2000, she also founded an annual arts retreat, The Hillbilly Underground, which draws nationally-recognized filmakers, writers, fine artists, and musicians to rural Michigan each summer. She lives and works in Brooklyn.

“On the day Contess Carolina Fantoni was married, only one other living person knew that she was going blind, and he was not her groom. This was not because she had failed to warn them. 'I am going blind,' she had blurted to her mother, in the welcome dimness of the family coach, her eyes still bright with tears from the searing winter sun. By this time, her peripheral vision was already gone. Carolina could feel her mother take her hand, but she had to turn to see her face. When she did, her mother kissed her, her own eyes full of pity. 'I have been in love, too,' she said, and looked away.”
Carey Wallace
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“Serving as the only audience for a man raised by crowds of admirers exhausted her. [...] The buried thought that he might have found comfort elsewhere was almost a comfort to her.”
Carey Wallace
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“His small compliments and offhand remarks formed a new scripture, and in breathless conversations and lonely, dream-drunk nights they built whole theologies from them.”
Carey Wallace
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