Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim photo

Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim

Baron Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim was the military leader of the Whites in the Finnish Civil War, Commander-in-Chief of Finland's Defence Forces during World War II, Marshal of Finland, and a Finnish statesman. He was Regent of Finland (1918–1919) and the sixth President of Finland (1944–1946).

Previously Mannerheim had made a career in the Imperial Russian Army, rising to the rank of lieutenant general. He also had a prominent place in the ceremonies for Tsar Nicholas II's coronation and later had several private meetings with the Russian Tsar. He fought in the Russo-Japanese War before travelling across Asia on a military intelligence mission, later commanded a Cavalry Division in the First World War and was also awarded the Order of St. George, 4th class.

“Nyt, kun Karjalan kansa jälleen nousee ja sarastaa Suomen uusi huomen.”
Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim
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“Työn määränpäänä olkoon, että jok'ainoa Suomen lapsi äidinkohdusta lähtien ja kautta koko kasvinaikansa saa oikeutetun osansa siitä hellyydestä ja huolenpidosta, joka yksinään voi laskea pohjan nuorten kehitykselle hyviksi ja hyödyllisiksi kansalaisiksi.”
Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim
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