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Carl Reiner

Carl Reiner was an American actor, film director, producer, writer and comedian. He has won nine Emmy Awards and one Grammy Award during his career. He has the distinction of being the only person to appear on all five incarnations of The Tonight Show. He is best known for his work in Ocean's Eleven, Ocean's Twelve, and Ocean's Thirteen.

“When I see heavy dramas with no comic relief, I don't think they're honest. I don't think people go through life miserable all the time; in fact, if you're very miserable, you giggle a lot at the oddest things."--Carl Reiner in "The Trib”
Carl Reiner
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“Lust is easy, Love is hard, Like is the most important.”
Carl Reiner
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“A lot of people like snow. I find it to be an unnecessary freezing of water.”
Carl Reiner
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