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Carlos J. Cortes

I write for the same reason I breathe: to carry on living.

From time to time I post snippets about myself and my work at:


Carlos J Cortes is the author of numerous unpublished novels and one of the World’s least influential people. After the dogged efforts of his indefatigable agent, his first SF thriller, Perfect Circle saw the light last year. The second, The Prisoner, another SF thriller, is scheduled for release 29 September 2009, both courtesy of Random House.

Carlos studied music, engineering, and a plethora of obscure subjects before turning his efforts to writing technical tomes on hilarious themes such as light physics, lighting science and fiber optics. Undeterred by failure when none of his published books ever reached the New York Times bestselling list, he co-wrote three books on Bridge.

The son of an absconded father and a seamstress, Carlos grew up in the streets of Madrid’s old quarter surrounded by an elite of hustlers and other intellectuals, the salt of the Earth, the kind of guys who would insist that you keep enough for bus fare after taking your wallet. These complementary perspectives and thirty years of wandering through six continents served as inspiration for his fiction work.

As a Bridge player, he overbids with imaginations, impasses his own hand and squeezes himself out of dummy, but never blames his partner.

Although he lives rough at present in Barcelona, fattening a piggybank with the loose change, he’s planning to try wooing US authorities into looking the other way so he can move to California full time.

Carlos’ woman,——fantasy writer S. J. Thomas—— collaborates on his research, edits his manuscripts, tries to knock into him the rudiments of this fiendish language and scrooges every cent she can lay her hands on to fetch her man over.

“Anyone who writes is too precious to lose. ”
Carlos J. Cortes
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“The human species' foremost task and unshakable duty is survival.”
Carlos J. Cortes
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