Carmen de Monteflores photo

Carmen de Monteflores

Born near San Juan, Puerto Rico in 1933, Carmen de Monteflores came to the United States at age sixteen to study art at Wellesley College, where she received a B.A. in 1953. She studied sculpture in Paris and painting in New York City, and continued her work as an artist while living at a cattle ranch in Montana and raising five children. After the family moved to California in the late sixties, Carmen stopped painting, began writing, entered graduate school, and came out as a lesbian. In 1978 she completed her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and is currently a practicing psychotherapist.

Since her first novel Singing Softly / Cantando Bajito (Aunt Lute, 1989), Carmen has published a book of poems, written and produced two plays, released a second novel, Possessions (Dog Ear Publishing, 2009), and is currently working on a third novel. Carmen has also published articles and essays dealing with a range of topics from psychotherapy to gender/sexuality studies. She lives in Berkeley, California with her partner, their child, a dog, a cat, two birds, and a recently planted apple tree.


“Oppression can only survive through silence.”
Carmen de Monteflores
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