Carmen Ferreiro-Esteban photo

Carmen Ferreiro-Esteban

I was born in Galicia (Northern Spain), a land of rolling hills and green valleys surrounded by ocean thought in medieval times to be ‘Finisterre,’ the place where the world came to an end.

While still in college, I moved to the arid highlands of Castilla—the land of the castles—in Central Spain and it was there, in the capital city of Madrid, where I finished my Ph.D. in Biology. For the next ten years, I worked as a researcher both in Madrid and at the University of Davis in Northern California.

My writing career started when I came to live in Pennsylvania in the 1990s. Following my first sale, a magazine article on latex allergy, I published four books for Chelsea House (Facts on File): Heroin, Ritalin, Mad Cow Disease, and Lung Cancer. I have also written three short scripts for young children for a Pharmaceutical Company.

As a fiction writer, I have published three short stories on the literary magazine Errata. One of them, a variation on O. Henry's short story ‘The Marry Month of May,’ won second prize in the 2004 Bucks County Writers Workshop Summer Contest.

Two Moon Princess, my first fiction book was published in October 2007 by Tanglewood Press. It was recognized with the bronze award in the Book of the Year Contest by the Fore Word Magazine in the Juvenile fiction category.

My first adult book Becquer eterno is available from in Spanish. The English version, Immortal Love was published by Crimson Romance on September 2012.

“Kneel!” he ordered. My head raised in defiance, I stepped forward. “I am Princess Andrea de Montemaior. I will kneel to no one,” I said to the shadows inside.”
Carmen Ferreiro-Esteban
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“To be defined by another is the worst form of abuse”
Carmen Ferreiro-Esteban
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