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Carmen Renee Berry

Carmen Renee Berry, New York Times Bestselling Author, is the creator of the PROLIFIC AUTHOR WRITING SYSTEM. She has authored, co-authored and ghost written 26 books in the past 27 years. Now, as a book writing coach, she teaches authors how to quickly write top-quality books that transform the lives of their readers. With over 30 years in publishing and book promotion, she has appeared on hundreds of television and radio programs including Oprah, Montel, the Gail King Show and Sally Jesse Raphael, and appeared on newscasts on CNN, NBC, CBS, and ABC. Her story has been featured in People Magazine, USA Today, Newsweek and countless newspapers across the country. If you are interested in writing a transformational self-help book or memoir, please contact her at [email protected].

“I continue to experience my faith in God as a personal relationship between the two of us. However, having admitted my commonality with the human race, I find that my faith does not flourish in isolation. As much as I hate to admit it, my faith is enhanced and enlarged when in relationship to other less-than-perfect human beings. Even though at times other Christians can be quite annoying, I feel very fortunate to have found my way back to a spiritual community that puts up with me even when I'm a bit annoying myself.”
Carmen Renee Berry
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