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Carol Kinsey Goman

Carol Kinsey Goman, Ph.D., helps executives, managers, entrepreneurs, women leaders, and sales professionals build their impact and influence skills. Her latest book is STAND OUT: How to Build Your Leadership Presence.

She is a sought-after international speaker at business meetings, association conferences, government agencies, and universities with clients in 31 countries.

Carol is a leadership contributor for Forbes, and the creator of LinkedIn Learning’s best-selling video course with over 2 million views, “Body Language for Leaders.” She is a faculty member for the Institute for Management Studies (USA) and Ex2 Academy (Europe).

Carol has been a therapist in private practice, a nightclub entertainer, and a majorette for the 49er football team -- but not in that order.

“People from context cultures tend to view personal bonds and informal agreements as far more binding than any formal contract. People from content cultures don't believe the deal is finalized until everyone has signed on the dotted line. And therein lies the potential for conflict.”
Carol Kinsey Goman
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