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Carol Plum-Ucci

Carol Plum-Ucci is a young adult novelist and essayist. Plum-Ucci’s most famous work to date is The Body of Christopher Creed, for which she won a Michael L. Printz Award in 2002 and was named a finalist to the Edgar Allan Poe Award. Describing her subjects as "the most common, timeless, and most heart-felt teenagers," Plum-Ucci is widely recognized for her use of the South Jersey shore to set scenes for engaging characters embracing suspense themes.

“There are times in life to grow, and there are times in life to shine. One can't grow and shine at the same time; it just doesn't work that way. Now you're growing. Tomorrow you'll shine.”
Carol Plum-Ucci
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“If a life goes down the toilet, it comes out in a river and meets the sea.”
Carol Plum-Ucci
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“Some doctors say a person who has only had same-sex attractions is, like, a zero. A person who has only had opposite-sex attractions is, like, a ten. He says most people fall between one and nine.”
Carol Plum-Ucci
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“...perhaps they will remember Chris Creed and they will find their tolerance, their compassion.”
Carol Plum-Ucci
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“If people knew who the angels were, they would be very nice when they saw one and would still do their same evil garbage when they thought none were around. Knowing who they are defeats the purpose.”
Carol Plum-Ucci
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“You're supposed to be kind to everyone, because you never know when you're meeting an angel.”
Carol Plum-Ucci
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“You gotta pay your dues to sing the blues.”
Carol Plum-Ucci
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“Complete happiness can look so much like complete terror that its hard to tell them apart.”
Carol Plum-Ucci
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