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Carol Van Atta

As an Author, I could be considered "genre-confused."

Are you already wondering what in the world is this lady talking about? ... genre-confused.

Let me explain!

I started my career writing Christian fiction, spiritual suspense and spiritual warfare stories. Good vs. Evil. Angels and Demons. I also am a contributor to a number of devotionals and anthologies by publishers like Zondervan and Regal.

However, I've always had a love for paranormal romance and gritty urban fantasy, prompting me to write my first paranormal romance/fantasy, I Kissed a Dog, Book One in the Werewolves of the West series. Published by Charles River Press/Cambridge Press, US.

I still love to inspire others as well, thus leading to my other new book, Soul Defenders: The Black Orchids, a completely rewritten version of my first book, Slaying the Shadows.

Are you with me? So ... considering the different audiences, what does my work have in common:

1. Heart stopping action.

2. Mystery and suspense.

3. Good vs. Evil

4. Love and blossoming romance in the midst of crisis situations.

5. Characters that are forced beyond their comfort zones and challenged to face their fears and overcome.

6. A major "Who dunnit factor."

7. Plenty of twists, turns, and subplots.

So, maybe I'm not really confusing after all, just diverse!

Please Note:

Both I Kissed a Dog and Soul Defenders will have a variety of e-versions coming soon. Currently, Soul Defenders is available on the Kindle Platform and in trade paperback. I Kissed a Dog is exclusively on Amazon (trade paperback) until its official release date of October 20, 2012. You can also pre-order at Barnes and Noble. If you'd like an autographed copy, just contact me.

“Seeing it was James McQuillen who’d spoken so casually to Zane, sent a jolt of electricity down my spine; I readied my torpedoes. Target, the betraying bastard’s manipulating mind. This Judas wouldn’t have a chance to hang himself. I’d beat him to it.”
Carol Van Atta
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“Ridiculous! I couldn’t marry, mate, or whatever it entailed with Zane. He was a werewolf. With my assorted backgroundI was all for interracial relationships. Interspecies? — The jury was still out on that possibility.”
Carol Van Atta
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