Carole Wilkinson photo

Carole Wilkinson

Carole was born in England in 1950. Her family moved to Australia when she was 12. She now lives in Melbourne, with her husband John.

Carole didn't start writing until she was nearly 40. Before that, she worked as a laboratory assistant, working with a lot of blood and brains. Once she’d decided to try and become a writer, she went to university. She wrote a lot while she was there including her first novel. She showed it to a friend who worked in publishing who asked if she could write a teenage novel. Her first published book was based on something her daughter, who was at high school at the time, was doing.

Carole says she has lots of ideas and so far she’s never had 'writers' block'. She might have got a late start, but she’s been trying to make up for lost time and has written more than 30 books, some short stories, a telemovie and some TV and planetarium scripts.

“You don't always need to know your destination when you set out on a journey.”
Carole Wilkinson
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“It is because of its emptiness that the cup is useful.”
Carole Wilkinson
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“Angka dua untuk daya yang dikenal sebagai Yin dan Yang - setara dan berlawanan; mereka menyatukan alam semesta ini bersama-sama (Putri Yangxin-Garden of The Purple Dragon)”
Carole Wilkinson
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“The straight path must sometimes be crooked. ”
Carole Wilkinson
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