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Caroline Gerardo

Caroline Gerardo ( C. G. Barbeau)

lives in California and Wyoming. Caroline's last novel is The Lucky Boy.

Short stories, transgressional fiction, poetry, dark fiction

Member International Thriller Writers

Caroline's poetry and short fiction : Lucent Dreaming;

Olentangy Review; Midwestern Gothic Review, One Stop Poetry;

Sleet Magazine; Scapegoat Review;

Narrative Magazine; Negativesucks Magazine, and two Anthologies.

MFA Claremont Graduate University

BA dual major Art and Literature Scripps College


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“A novelist is similar to a triathlete. Train hard every day. You will be timed and measured. Budget to promote, grow, and be without fear.”
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“Being ready is everything.”
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“Change happens when people care."From my novel in progress, Eco-Terrorist”
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