Carolyn Keene is a writer pen name that was used by many different people- both men and women- over the years. The company that was the creator of the Nancy Drew series, the Stratemeyer Syndicate, hired a variety of writers. For Nancy Drew, the writers used the pseudonym Carolyn Keene to assure anonymity of the creator.
Edna and Harriet Stratemeyer inherited the company from their father Edward Stratemeyer. Edna contributed 10 plot outlines before passing the reins to her sister Harriet. It was Mildred Benson (aka: Mildred A. Wirt), who breathed such a feisty spirit into Nancy's character. Mildred wrote 23 of the original 30 Nancy Drew Mystery Stories®, including the first three. It was her characterization that helped make Nancy an instant hit. The Stratemeyer Syndicate's devotion to the series over the years under the reins of Harriet Stratemeyer Adams helped to keep the series alive and on store shelves for each succeeding generation of girls and boys. In 1959, Harriet, along with several writers, began a 25-year project to revise the earlier Carolyn Keene novels. The Nancy Drew books were condensed, racial stereotypes were removed, and the language was updated. In a few cases, outdated plots were completely rewritten.
Other writers of Nancy Drew volumes include Harriet herself, she wrote most of the series after Mildred quit writing for the Syndicate and in 1959 began a revision of the first 34 texts. The role of the writer of "Carolyn Keene" passed temporarily to Walter Karig who wrote three novels during the Great Depression. Also contributing to Nancy Drew's prolific existence were Leslie McFarlane, James Duncan Lawrence, Nancy Axelrod, Priscilla Doll, Charles Strong, Alma Sasse, Wilhelmina Rankin, George Waller Jr., and Margaret Scherf.
“I'm Fred Mathews”
“I have a hunch from reading about old passageways that there may be one or more rooms off this tunnel," Nancy told Captain Rossland.”
“Call the fire department," I said, trying hard to stay calm."On it." Bess said, digging into her pocket. "I'll text 911.""Don't text, call!" I said, feeling my heart pounding in the chest.”
“Read, read, read. That's all I can say.”
“Ned said "Nancy Drew is the best girl detective in the whole world!""Don't you believe him," Nancy said quickly. "I have solved some mysteries, I'll admit, and I enjoy it, but I'm sure there are many other girls who could do the same.”
“Bell seated himself behind the desk, motioning for Nancy to stand opposite him. There was tense silence for a moment. Then Bell reached for a desk telephone."I am going to call the police, Miss Drew, and turn you over to them on a charge of trespassing, breaking, and entering with an attempt to steal.""I wish you would," Nancy replied. "if it is possible over that dummy telephone.”
“Luther, bring the gatekeeper quickly!" Bell ordered. "Just how did you get in, Miss Drew?""I came in at the entrance," Nancy replied. "The larkspur is beautiful.”
“I'll wire the International Federation of American Homing Pigeon Fanciers and give them the number stamped on the bird's leg ring.”
“Nancy, every place you go, it seems as if mysteries just pile up one after another.”
“I just know that any time I undertake a case, I'm apt to run into some kind of a trap.”
“She always has close calls when she solves a mystery!”
“Bess stepped back and looked at Nancy admiringly. 'Your hunches are so often right it startles me.”
“Again time elapsed.”
“I don't promise to forget the mystery, but I know I'll have a marvelous time.”
“Nancy, you're a whiz, as I've often told you," her friend declared.”
“We could certainly use a detective. And I've got to hand it to you, Nancy - you sure can keep your head.”
“Nancy, an attractive titian blond, grinned up at her friend.”
“Chuckling to herself, Nancy said aloud, "Romance and detective work won't mix tonight!”
“Not many girls would have used their wits the way you did," the officer observed.”
“Do act mysterious. It always keeps them coming back for more.”
“I love Nancy Drew!”