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Carroll Bryant

“You can push my buttons all you want. Just don't pull any of my levers.”
Carroll Bryant
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“The reason time is always running out is because it has nothing else better to do.”
Carroll Bryant
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“The problem with a lot people is, they are more concerned about their image than they are about their reputation. It should be the other way around.”
Carroll Bryant
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“One should never give up on hope. Unless that's the name of the girl who cheated on you in which case, yeah, give her up.”
Carroll Bryant
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“My best days are Monday through Friday, and Saturday and Sunday." "Ian," Wesley noted, "that covers the whole week." Ian nods his head. "Pretty much.”
Carroll Bryant
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“Knowledge may be power, but half of what I know I wish I could forget.”
Carroll Bryant
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“Luck is the bastard child of Fate and Destiny.”
Carroll Bryant
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“Slap-stick comedy is really funny, unless you're the one getting slapped with the stick.”
Carroll Bryant
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“This isn't your world. It's your parents. Your world is still out there, waiting to be discovered. Always remember that.”
Carroll Bryant
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“I don't know who he was," Kavita flat-out states, "but whoever he was he sure did a number on you, didn't he?"Mary leans forward to ensure he would see her deviant stare. "Did it ever occur to you that maybe I did a number on him?"Kavita leans in closer as well, and with that same deviant expression, "Yes. I have.”
Carroll Bryant
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“Mary approaches her before she is able to reach her station. "Hello Lily. Get anything special for Christmas?""Just the usual." She answers. "Shattered dreams.”
Carroll Bryant
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“You know," Kavita begins, "I think I can pick out my own furniture. I am an artist after all. I do have some taste.""No you don't." Nick plainly states. "No man has taste. Besides, I didn't pick it out, she did. Wives are good for things like that.”
Carroll Bryant
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“The white lily stands for purity. Artists for centuries have pictured the angel Gabriel coming to the virgin Mary with a spray of lillies in his hand, to announce that she is to be the mother of the Turks.”
Carroll Bryant
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“Lily looks back down at the necklace in her hand that Kavita had given her. "It must have cost a fortune.""It did." He confirms. "Though not nearly as much as you're worth."Lily looks up at him. "Don't say that. You hurt me everytime you speak.”
Carroll Bryant
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“Listen." Jennifer reverted, "I didn't mean anything by all of that before. I understand what you were trying to do and ..." She struggled for the right words. "Sweetie, like love, people don't live inside of life, life lives inside of you. Open yourself up to it and there's no stopping your heart.”
Carroll Bryant
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“I never fail. It's just that the people around me succeed more than I.”
Carroll Bryant
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“It's not how many times you fall. And it's not how many times you get back up. It's about how much money you have to pay people to admit that the whole incident didn't even occur to begin with.”
Carroll Bryant
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“Cool people are only cool for the first thirty minutes of knowing them. After that, they just become annoying.”
Carroll Bryant
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“The only thing standing between you and your dreams is ... reluctance.”
Carroll Bryant
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“Don't bite off more than you can chew because nobody looks attractive spitting it back out.”
Carroll Bryant
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“No matter how many plans you make or how much in control you are, life is always winging it.”
Carroll Bryant
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“Love is a two-way street constantly under construction.”
Carroll Bryant
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“If they're not going to respect you, then they best damn well fear you.”
Carroll Bryant
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