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Cary McNeal

“FACT 228: In Japan, suicide resulting from overwork, or karojisatsu, is an officially recognized and compensated occupational hazard. By some estimates, 5 percent of all suicides in Japan are "company related.""Where's Hiro? He's supposed to lead this meeting." "He killed himself, sir." "Ah, dedication. I like it. Give him a raise.”
Cary McNeal
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“FACT 211: The chronic stress of a high-pressure job has been shown to double the risk of a heart attack. Chronic stress may also result in alcoholism, hypertension, and severe depression, and can make your joints ache, your hair fall out, and even stop your period.So that bald drunk lady at work who's always crying and giving away her tampons? Give her a break; she's under a lot of stress.”
Cary McNeal
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“FACT 450: Ecstasy is often used in conjunction with other drugs such as marijuana, methamphetamine, cocaine, ketamine, and other drugs, making it even more dangerous.Drugs: they're not a salad bar.”
Cary McNeal
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“FACT 413: Smoking contributes to heart disease, the number one cause of death in the United States. Cigarette smokers quadruple their risk for developing coronary heart disease.I think it would be fun to put on a Grim Reaper costume and go stand in the corner of the smoking room at the airport. Just stand there. With my sickle.”
Cary McNeal
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