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Casey Robbins

“God already knows what ya want and He knows what's best for ya. Sometimes they ain't the same thing.”
Casey Robbins
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“Be happy 'cause happy ain't about what you got, it's about what you do with what you got.”
Casey Robbins
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“Besides, the only color God see in any of us is the color of our soul.”
Casey Robbins
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“Gotta always remember where you came from and how you got brought to where you is now. They call it deliverance.”
Casey Robbins
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“Sometimes we got to run to get to where the good Lawd need us to go. An' sometimes we got to just sit there an' listen for Him to tell us what to do, even if that mean we gotta suffer a li'l while.”
Casey Robbins
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“We don't need much 'round here. Just some food and water. And each other. Really that all that we ever need. And God of course.”
Casey Robbins
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“We cain't keep lookin' back at out losses. We gotta keep marchin' down that road ahead to the Promised Land. We gotta give up our sorrows to make way for our joys.”
Casey Robbins
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“I know when God gives us somethin' good in this world we gotta hold on long as we can.”
Casey Robbins
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“And ev'ry tear you cry's a smile you ain't never gon' get back.”
Casey Robbins
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