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Cassandra Giovanni

Cassandra doesn't remember a time when she wasn't writing. In fact, the first time she was published was when she was seven years old and won a contest to be published in an American Girl Doll novel. Since then Cassandra has written more novels than she can count and put just as many in the circular bin. Her personal goal with her writing is to show the reader the character's stories through their dialogue and actions instead of just telling the reader what is happening. Besides being a writer, Cassandra is a professional photographer known for her automotive, nature and architectural shots. She is happily married to the man of her dreams and they live in the rolling hills of New England with their daughter and two dogs.

“I've loved many women...I'm not going to lie to you, but it never works...vanity always gets in the way.”
Cassandra Giovanni
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“I'd lost myself in the abyss of someone else's tyranny...again.”
Cassandra Giovanni
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“No perfection can last forever. Time tears at it; wears it down until it's nothing, just an empty shell.”
Cassandra Giovanni
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“For so long music has been my heart, but now it's're my heart.”
Cassandra Giovanni
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“Tell me why it feels like you're a part of my soul?”
Cassandra Giovanni
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“Most things in my life are anything but simple--but loving you is. I just do.”
Cassandra Giovanni
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“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your words...they'll destroy my soul.”
Cassandra Giovanni
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“Everyone wanted me to be the bad boy, the label wanted it, the publicists wanted it, but I was just trying to be myself.”
Cassandra Giovanni
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“I know who you are...I've fallen hard for that person, and I sure as hell am not going to let you fade into your past.”
Cassandra Giovanni
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“Sometimes we dream of things that we've always wanted--of things that we have been searching for our whole lives without knowing it...and other times we wake up and know what we have to do. I have to I do.”
Cassandra Giovanni
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“Just so you know I don't really feel like you kidnapped me - it's more like assisted running away by coincidence.”
Cassandra Giovanni
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“All that guides me is fear,And all that finds me is lossDeath defines which paths I crossIt is within the shadows that I stumbleAnd I am desperate without a voiceHere I am threatened by the resolve that you are my soulBut if my lies are the path that I have to wander because there is no choiceWill you love me still?In the darkness of the night when I wish to do nothing more than take flight?Will you hold me to this plane and ease the suffering and pain?When all you know is the truthAnd all they see is the liesWill I be the one you find, or the one you leave behind?Alone may be the only home I shall find”
Cassandra Giovanni
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“I am threatened by the resolve that you are my soul. You are my being, you are every breath I take, you are my home, you are my sweet sin.”
Cassandra Giovanni
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“They didn't understand, for we were Shakespeare, and they were mere actors in the play.”
Cassandra Giovanni
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“It had been a little over a year since the last murder; moreover it had been a year since I had run as quickly as legally possible from whom I had been. It had taken almost that long to become a legal adult, get the money straightened out and get my name changed. Who was Abigail? Who was Vera? I felt as though I was neither person. I felt like I wasn’t a person at all anymore.”
Cassandra Giovanni
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“I think he has a girlfriend? Not sure though, he just seems to be off limits to all women here—well you know the other single women teachers. Maybe he’s gay?”“I seriously doubt that one.” I responded struggling not to laugh.“That would be a serious punishment to women kind. I wonder what he looks like without that vest and tie teacher getup…I bet he looks amazing naked.”“Holy crap Jaz!” I yelped, but I knew I was blushing. I knew what he looked like with his shirt off and it was damned good.”
Cassandra Giovanni
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“The hole where my heart had finally grown back after the loss of my parents was returning because of the very person who had filled the void”
Cassandra Giovanni
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“Tad they were too young to die…My Mom was a spitfire—a total accident waiting to happen. I’m like her—I can trip over nothing.” Tad chuckled acknowledging the thought. “My father…he was more serious. He used to give me lectures like no tomorrow, he had a strong sense of who I should be—who I wanted to be and how to guide me, and he was my best friend. It seems like everything I love is just out of my reach now.”
Cassandra Giovanni
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“You’re going to castrate them if they give me a sideways glance?”He looked at the ground. “I’m not bringing you to the safest place and you’re beautiful, so I needed to warn them.”“I’m beautiful?” I repeated trying not to smile.“Don’t let it go to your head, darling.” He said holding his hand out for me.“You’re not too bad yourself.” “I know. I saw the way you stared at me when I took my shirt off.” Hunter said.”
Cassandra Giovanni
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“Seconds seem like a life time when the life you lived is slowly drained out of you by those who care not what you felt, hoped, or dreamed. When the darkness comes it is all consuming, there is no light and there is no pain. It is the never ending loss of hope that now consumes me as I die in his arms.”
Cassandra Giovanni
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