Cassandra Krivy Hirsch photo

Cassandra Krivy Hirsch

Always a reader, and a writer from an early age, I was raised in Toronto, but moved to the northeast U.S. to raise my own family in my 20's. Now, all my kids are just about grown (two have fledged!), so it's time to get down to the business of writing more novels. After all, why stop at one?

I've been a freelance writer for years, and still do that on occasion (travel writing when I can). Now I teach college writing courses, edit people's manuscripts, and continue to enjoy the stories people bring me in the course of everyday conversation. Of this, I never, ever tire.

“Father has taught me that when something is lost, whether dear or not, giving up the search is sometimes best and often enough the lost article finds its owner.”
Cassandra Krivy Hirsch
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