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Cassidy Calloway

“Remember, if you keep living your life on your terms,people can mock you all they want, but they'll respect you in the end”
Cassidy Calloway
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“Hey, Max," I whispered. "I love you, too."The smile that lit up his face was brighter than the neon lights radiating from the London Eye. But mine felt even brighter.Like my future.”
Cassidy Calloway
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“How about we really steal Brittany's thunder by giving the London paparazzi an exclusive?""What sort of exclusive?""Let's show them how much I love Morgan Abbot.""Love?" Was I really hearing this? "You... are in love with me?""Totally. One hundred percent head over heels in love with you, Morg. Have been ever since you led me on that goofy chase around the White House.”
Cassidy Calloway
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“And don't stress about the trip. We'll find some alone time in London," he continued, bending his head closer to mine. "Nothing keeps 007 from romancing a beautiful woman.”
Cassidy Calloway
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“For the next several minutes we forgot about scones and lollipops and SATs and politicians and the Secret Service and hovered in a blissful place, population of two—Max and me. When I was kissing Max, the rest of the world, and all my problems faded away.”
Cassidy Calloway
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