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Catherine Austen

I grew up in Kingston, Ontario. I studied political science at Queen's University and environmental studies at York before moving to the Ottawa area to work in the conservation movement. I now write freelance (reports as well as books) from my home in Quebec, where I live with my husband and two sons. I love wildlife, music, museums, and books and I'm grateful that my life is full of all of these.

I read all types of books but usually forget to review them. I'll only post about books I like here (hence the high average rating).

“ saddens me that she has to grow up and make friends with humans. I hear the future coming for her. Stomp, stomp, stomp.”
Catherine Austen
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“So who do you think would win in a fight, Max? Us or the rest of the world?”
Catherine Austen
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“I can do it, Max. I still have my thoughts. I just can't say them out loud. I still have my friends. I just can't show them. I still have all the things that used to matter. They're inside of me. They can't take that away.”
Catherine Austen
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“Living with hope is like rubbing up against a cheese grater. It keeps taking slices off you until there's so little left you just crumble.”
Catherine Austen
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