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Catherine Bateson

Catherine Bateson has won the CBCA Book of the Year for Younger Readers twice and received three Honour Book Awards, including one for Older Readers. She teaches in the Professional Writing and Editing course at TAFE but is also available for school visits, to talk about both fiction writing and poetry.

Where were you born?

I was born in Sydney, but grew up in Brisbane where my mother owned a secondhand bookshop.

What other jobs have you had?

I’ve been an incredibly bad waitress, but otherwise my work has all been within the arts and education sphere.

What themes are recurring in your work?

The theme of family is strong in my work – the families we make ourselves, rather than are born into. I put this down to being an only child – and also my father’s death when I was nine.

What have been the highlights of your career?

Without doubt, the highlights have been winning CBCA awards and the Queensland Premier’s Children’s Book Award. Having my third collection of poetry published in an environment that is financially hostile to poetry is also a highlight.

“Mum's mobile was the most immoblie cell phone in the world. It often lived on the top of the bookshelf closest to the front door. It was there so she'd see it before she left the house. The trouble was, Mum was alwayd leaving the house in a mad rush and the mobile stayed put.”
Catherine Bateson
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