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Catherine Crowe

Catherine Crowe was an English author of dramas, children's books, and novels. She is remembered mainly for her publication The Night-side of Nature, a collection of stories of the supernatural.

Oxford DNB: (Crowe [née Stevens], Catherine Ann (1790-1872), novelist and writer on the supernatural, born 20 September 1790, died 14 June 1872)

“The silence of a convent at night is the silence of the grave. Too far removed from the busy world without for external sounds to penetrate the thick walls, whilst within no slamming door, nor wandering foot, nor sacrilegious voice breaks in upon the stillness, the slightest noise strikes upon the ear with a fearful distinctness. ("The Monk's Story")”
Catherine Crowe
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“I knew, of course, that I should be well paid for my services, but I would gladly have accepted half the sum I expected if I could have had it that night, for our little treasury was wholly exhausted, and we had not sixpence to purchase a breakfast for the following day. When the great hall door shut upon me, and I found myself on the pavement, with all the luxury and splendour on one side, and I and my desolation on the other, the contrast struck me cruelly, for I too, had been rich, and dwelt in illuminated palaces, and had a train of liveried servants at my command, and sweet music had echoed through my halls. I felt desperate, and drawing my hat over my eyes I began pacing the square, forming wild plans for the relief or escape from my misery. ("The Italian's Story")”
Catherine Crowe
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