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Cathryn Louis

“Actions are what shape our reality; words are empty without them.”
Cathryn Louis
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“To write requires passionate love of someone or something - even if it is merely self.”
Cathryn Louis
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“Rise & set, ebb & flow; the rhythms of our world.”
Cathryn Louis
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“Worldbuilding: Giving my characters a crucible in which to form.”
Cathryn Louis
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“Rewriting is the crucible where books are born.”
Cathryn Louis
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“If one is to drown, one may as well do it in the largest possible pond.”
Cathryn Louis
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“Love - massively destructive to hatred, selfishness and greed. Use liberally.”
Cathryn Louis
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“Sometimes a moment of clarity shines so brightly, you have no choice but to walk into the light - or hide under the rug.”
Cathryn Louis
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“A mask, no matter how beautiful, is still a mask”
Cathryn Louis
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“Greed, in the end, fails even the greedy.”
Cathryn Louis
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