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Cathy Cassidy

I was born in 1962 in Coventry (scarily ancient, I know). I wrote my first picture book for my little brother when I was eight or nine. I loved making comics, too - pages and pages of picture stories, features and competitions.

I went to Art College in Liverpool, then got a job as fiction editor on the fab and legendary Jackie magazine.

I have worked as agony aunt on Shout magazine and also as an art teacher in the local primary & secondary schools, as well as as a freelance illustrator. These days, I am a full-time author.

I love my family, I love living in the middle of nowhere and I love my work. Of all my jobs, writing has to be the best - it's the perfect excuse to daydream, after all!

“love comes from the heart not from the mind. you will love and be loved. don't force things good things take good reason for people to love you is for who you are not who someone else is. your beautiful and wonderful don't change that just because one person dislikes like you for who you are”
Cathy Cassidy
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“She's not my type,' Carter says.'So what is your type?''Tall, skinny, black hair, blue eyes, freckly nose. Blue tinsel wig and snowflakes optional.''Skinny?' I squeal.'Definitely. Pretending to be shy, sensible and stand-offish when really you're mad about me.''You sure about that?''No, but I'm hoping.”
Cathy Cassidy
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“Look," I whisper to Cat, "Shooting star! That's good luck."She rolls her eyes. "It's a plane, you idiot," she says, and when I look again I can see that she's right. Typical.”
Cathy Cassidy
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