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Cathy Williams

Cathy Williams was born in the island of Trinidad, the West Indies. She is a great believer in the power of perseverance as she had never written anything before (apart from school essays a lifetime ago!) and from the starting point of zero has now fulfilled her ambition to pursue this most enjoyable of careers. She would encourage any would-be writer to have faith and go for it!

She has been writing Mills & Boon romances since 1990. Her hopes are to continue writing romantic fiction and providing those eternal tales of love and romance for which, she feels, we all strive. She derives inspiration from the hot, lazy tropical island of Trinidad, from the peaceful countryside of middle England and of course from her many friends who are a rich source of plots and are particularly garrulous when it comes to describing Mills & Boon heroes. It would seem, from their complaints that tall, dark and charismatic men are way too few and far between!

She loves the beautiful Warwickshire countryside, where she lives with her husband and three children, Charlotte, Olivia and Emma and when not writing is hard pressed to find a moment's free time in between the millions of household chores, not to mention being a one woman taxi service for her daughters never-ending social lives.

“No I try and set my books in lots of different locales. Variety is the spice of life!”
Cathy Williams
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“Lounging indolently in a black silk robe which was loosely tied at the front and which appeared to conceal nothing more than bare skin...she made a conscious effort not to stare at the bare legs with their sprinkling of dark hair...was he even wearing underwear? she thought”
Cathy Williams
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