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Cayla Kluver

Cayla Kluver is the author of the Legacy Series (LEGACY, 2011; ALLEGIANCE, 2012; SACRIFICE, 2012). Her new book THE QUEEN'S CHOICE will be published by HarlequinTEEN in winter 2013/spring 2014.

Cayla spends her free time singing, reading, dancing, and horseback riding. Her office is filled with twinkly lights. She travels frequently to speak at middle and high schools, libraries, and book conventions. New York City is one of her favorite places on the planet.

“He was strength and safety; fire and desire; comfort and happiness. In short, he was the man I loved.”
Cayla Kluver
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“He took a breath, then proclaimed, 'Lady Shaselle of Hytanica, I am in love with you.' I burst into laughter, pulling my legs up to ease my aching stomach muscles. He rolled onto his side to look at me, propping his head up with his hand. 'I'm serious,' he insisted, grinning foolishly at me. 'You're drunk.' 'True, but even drunks can be in love.”
Cayla Kluver
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“Shaselle?""What now?" I incredulously exclaimed."Do you have plans tomorrow?""What?""I have a day off duty. We could-""No!" I shouted. "What is this?”
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“Your mother would make an excellent interrogator.”
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“Though I had fallen in love with Narian a long time ago, I was continually learning more about him. I'd always been familiar with his principles and his personality, but it was the little things that made a human being. Little things like how he was not accustomed to sharing his space-had I not been forced to hide in his bedroom during his exchange with the High Priestess, I would not yet have seen it. There are other things, as well. He was nearly fluent in three languages in addition to our own; he absolutely could not sleep on his back; and he didn't now how to handle being irritated with me.”
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“I don't think I've ever said this before, but it's time I did. I'm in love with you Narian.”
Cayla Kluver
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“Alera is not a possession.”
Cayla Kluver
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“Saadi, what do you think you're doing?" I demanded."Well I thought I was helping you. As it turns out, I'm bleeding.”
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“I understand the influence you have all too well. The commander will do exactly what you want, bend to your will. That alone should prove to you that strength is a woman's endowment, not a man's.”
Cayla Kluver
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“He took another steps backward, right into the horse of the Cokyrian soldier we had avoided earlier, bouncing off to land gracelessly upon the ground on his rear end. He stared up at the woman, making no attempt to stand. "Your horse is very solid," he slurred. "Congratultions on having such a fine mount.”
Cayla Kluver
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“I've learned it's best to approach you from the front, for the sake of my well-being.”
Cayla Kluver
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“How was lunch?" she asked, watching, me bound up the stairs. "The soup was excellent." I called over my shoulder, knowing she wasn't inquiring about the food.”
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“She would give up her husband to regain her son.”
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“In the end, the best for which one could hope was to leave the world in better straits than existed on the day of your birth; to truly have lived. And oh, how Cannan, the Captain of the Guard, had lived.”
Cayla Kluver
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“This is not what you want to hear, but to me, it doesn't seem there was a time before I loved you. And though I try to keep my distance from you... even now you keep giving me reasons to love you more.”
Cayla Kluver
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“Narian scrutinised both me and the Queen, with eyes so deeply blue I could not break away from them. I was glad he was no longer questioning me, for those eyes made me want to tell him everything. At the same time, those eyes revealed something to me. Was he in love with Alera?”
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“A silent challenge passed between the powerful men, to be interrupted by the Queen, who spoke but one word-the Cokyrian commander's name. He looked to her more quickly than I would have believed possible, and his demeaner changed along with his focus, becoming softer, more cooperative... Perhaps she had more influence than I thought.”
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“Did you face the bitch yourself or did you get it from Narian?"I smiled at his word choice. "I approached Rava myself. I've been known to face down a bitch or two.”
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“Dinner doesn't start without me.”
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“I have a different idea of what bravery is.""What-complaisance?""In a sense. Acceptance, resiliency. How strong must one be to throw a temper tantrum?""Is that what you'd call this? You and your people storm our homeland, take us all prisoner and any form of resistance is a temper tantrum in your eyes?"He pondered this for a moment, his freckled nose crinkling."Yes.”
Cayla Kluver
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“I'm sorry, Cannan, but your niece is intolerable.""As are you.”
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“Oh, my! I'm so sorry, my lord!" I apologised, my voice coated with sarcasm. "As hardy as I am, it's just impossible to catch myself when I trip.”
Cayla Kluver
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“I assume you gave her the cat?”
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“I wouldn't deserve you if I didn't respect your beliefs.”
Cayla Kluver
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“We don't have marriage in Cokyri." My eyebrows shot upward. "You don't have... marriage? Well then, how do you... I mean where... where do your children come from?”
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“If he didn't like you, Shaselle, it's probably because you could've beaten him in a fight any day.”
Cayla Kluver
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“Nothing's wrong, I'm just tired-perhaps a little sad." "You don't get sad unless something's wrong.”
Cayla Kluver
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“Through the window on the far wall, he could see the remains of his homeland-buildings crumbled, the city walls in ruins, streets upturned, Cokyrian flags flying high to lay claim to it's newest province. And that was just the outer layer. Beneath, there were families in shreds, bleeding where the death of loved ones had left wounds so deep they would eternally fester. Cannan, his son and his families murdered brother had left behind were bleeding. Hytanica had nothing left to give and, therefore, nothing else to lose.”
Cayla Kluver
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“Narian would not attack on Christmas.”
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“Thoughts of Narian, the strong, brave, tender young man with whom I had fallen in love, juxtaposed against the dark entity I envisioned taking over my homeland, would have shredded my sanity.”
Cayla Kluver
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“Best slop ever.”
Cayla Kluver
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“In all this time, he [London] has not woken. He needs someone, Tanda. Perhaps you are that someone." She gazed at me with uncertainty and regret, but there was love for London as well, even after all these years. She nodded, taking the chair at his bedside while I stole into the hall. It was for her that he finally opened his eyes.”
Cayla Kluver
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“Do you take this man as your husband?"I receive you as mine," she began with a pretty blush, "so that you become my husband and I your wife. And I commit to you the fidelity of my body, and I will keep you in health and in sickness, nor for..." Like Galen she trailed off, but it was clear from the widening of her eyes that she had simply forgotten the words. As her blush spread, I heard Galen lean toward her and tenderly advise, "Just Promise to love me." "And I will love you until the day I die.”
Cayla Kluver
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“Not all battles are fought with weapons.”
Cayla Kluver
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“Isn't anyone going to take these damnable arrows out of me?”
Cayla Kluver
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“If you prefer, I could bring the horses into the house?”
Cayla Kluver
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“Images of him continued to plague me, unbidden and cruelly tantalising: the mesmerizing blue eyes that compelled me to share with him my most private fears; the feel of his thick, untidy hair as the sunlight split it into myriad shades of gold; the soft laugh that touched my soul; his aloof but unpretentious manner; his confident assurance that I could make my own choices. I shuddered at the thought of Steldor's attitude toward me, for he saw me as only a woman, relegated to supervising that household, planning and executing social events and raising the children. All he really wanted was my presence in his bed, which made me all the more unwilling to comply. Steldor's glance made me uncomfortable, his patronising laugh made me cringe, his condescension frequently led to my humiliation. In Narians arms, I had felt extraordinary happiness; in Steldor's I felt trapped.”
Cayla Kluver
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“Your not God, Steldor.”
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“He [London] also wanted to warn her against befriending the young man." "And did she stay away from him?" Steldor pressed, his eyes narrowing, and I suspected he already knew the answer. Destari wavered for an instant, reading Steldor's expression, but in the end answered straightforwardly."No, Your Majesty, she did not.”
Cayla Kluver
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“I will weep for you, brother.”
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“Were he, the great Lord Steldor, another man, I might have spent the afternoon smiling.”
Cayla Kluver
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“You can hardly expect the rabbit to keep up with the fox.”
Cayla Kluver
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“Tadark, this phrase is probably meaningless to you as it is so oft repeated, but do be quiet.”
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“Congratulations Lord Steldor, Princess Alera, my sympathies.”
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“He also feels, like most men, that a father should not trust to a daughter's judgement on a decision as important as the selection of her husband.”
Cayla Kluver
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“What is wrong with Steldor?" my father asked, probably thinking illness since a shirt now covered his torso, concealing the last of his bandages."He was wounded," Cannan said, leaving out any hint of the strife we had experienced. "He's on the mend now." He cast a glance toward Nantilam, who still stood stiffly in the background, hands bound, Halias on alert next to her. "We have the High Priestess to thank for that.""Not that she would have assisted willingly," Halias muttered, but she bowed her head toward the captain in appreciation of his acknowledgement.”
Cayla Kluver
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“You always were the martyr, weren't you?" The Overlord snickered, and I closed my eyes briefly, relieved and devastated that he was accepting the trade. "So loyal,so brave, so foolishly self-sacrificing. I will see you regret it all before you die.""You failed the last time you tried," London shot back. "I'm quite eager to see if you've improved.”
Cayla Kluver
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“It's not good, is it?"Galen's reply was convincingly nonchalant. "I've seen worse.""Yes-on a dead man."Galen averted his eyes for a moment before giving a reply. "Don't talk like that.""Sorry.""Don't apologize, either."Steldor gave a wry laugh. "Would you mind telling me what I am allowed to do?"Galen couldn't suppress a smirk, thought it was laced with sadness, as he recognized the beginning of one of their classic bickering contests."Sure-you can shut your trap."Steldor was smirking, too, then he grimaced, arching his back as unexpected pain shot through him, and new drops of sweat materialized on his forehead."Steldor-" Galen started, humor lost, reaching toward him with undetermined intent. Steldor smacked his hand away with as much vigor as he could muster."No," he growled, gritting his teeth. "Ignore it.I don't want to think about it."Galen nodded, thought he looked uneasy. "Just tell me what to do," he said in a small voice. "Tell me to shut my trap again.”
Cayla Kluver
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“What do you need?" I asked, sitting beside him and fumbling through the mishmash in my lap. "How about this?"I examined a container and read the label."Will belladonna do?""That's a poison, dear.I'd prefer if you didn't give me that." Even with his ghastly injury,his dry humor survived.”
Cayla Kluver
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“You run off when things get a little more complicated than you'd like, and leave us to cover your tracks so the whole valley doesn't find out that Hytanica bloody lost its King-meanwhile, the Cokyrians are infiltrating our lands to the north, so it becomes entirely possible that you've walked right into their camp. We have men out there still searching for you,men who should be helping to barricade the northern border-to make sure that in a week you still have a kingdom to rule. And you have the gall to strut in here and be an ass! I swear, Steldo, if we didn't need someone to sit on that throne, I'd dispatch you with my own hands!"The two erstwhile companions stared at each other, Galen challenging Steldor to respond, and Steldor too staggered to do so.Eventually,the sergeant threw his hands in the air and marched into his office,slamming the door behind him. In the silence that followed Galen's departure, I came to appreciate the true meaning of the word awkward. Steldor did not rise to his feet, and his eyes were glazed. I felt un-needed,but there was no way for me to make a polished exit. The Palace Gaurds,bound by duty to remaind, searched the walls, the floor, the ceiling, for anything plausible in which to show an interest, not wanting to be caught gawking at their King.”
Cayla Kluver
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