Life for CB Smith began in a southern part of the northern hemisphere where the heavy misted skies threatened to strangle him in swamps of crocodile infested feculent. Abandoned at birth by Trotskyite revolutionaries he was picked up by a wild crazy eyed trader and transported to a remote Indian jungle where he was raised by a band of itinerate lion-tailed macaque monkeys trying to write Hamlet using IBM Selectric Typewriters. Thus began his life. His essays, surreal fiction, and book reviews, have been published in various worldwide e-zines and magazines. He is far from normal. His ebooks are available at Smashwords.
“Know that tomorrow will bring clarity where before was only fog. In the final summation, it is not other's expectations that slay us, but our over compensatory reactions in regard”
“Woman is the slave of the world.”
“The din of corporate avarice is a blister boil on the buttocks of humanity.”
“Slavery, like energy, does not disappear; it only changes from one form into another.”
“If one doubts the existence of miracles one should open one's eyes and look around. Like an obedient pup they want only of notice.”
“Life is a miracle far beyond our limited understanding.”
“Woman is the guiding spirit of man.”
“I see, said the blind man.”
“Believing is seeing.”
“Apathy is the greatest evil.”
“Ignorance is bliss until one confronts it.”
“Love is like quicksand; once you're in it's difficult to get out.”
“Love is a cowboy's hardest ride.”
“Writing is like a raft with a slow leak; sometimes it floats, sometimes it doesn't.”