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Cecelia Ahern

“Her silence was worth more to her than a thousand words.In that silence,she had peace and clarity.Except during the night,when her own jumbled thoughts would keep her awake.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Benjamin je promatrao Elizabeth kako hoda. Nije ju poznavao onoliko dobro koliko je htio, ali imao je dojam da mu je dopustila da uđe u njezin život više nego ostalima. I on je učinio isto. Razgovarali su dovoljno puta da vidi koliko su slični. Gledao ju je kako se razvija i mijenja i sad se napokon smirila. Zurio je u krajolik kojem se Elizabeth tako dugo divila i prvi put u godinu dana koliko je tu, otvorio je oči i uistinu ga doživio.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Znaš zanimljivo je da djeca uče mnogo više i mnogo brže od odraslih. Znaš li zašto je tako? Zato jer su otvorenog uma. Zato jer žele znati i žele naučiti. Odrasli misle da sve znaju. Odrastu i lako zaborave da umjesto da otvore um i razviju ga, oni odluče u što će vjerovati, a u što ne. Ne možeš donijeti odluku o takvim stvarima - ili vjeruješ ili ne. Oni su cinični, gube vjeru i žele znati samo one stvari koje će im pomagati iz dana u dan. Ne zanimaju ih male stvari. Ali, male stvari čine život.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Like Rosaleen and Arthur's house, this had the feel of generations of people who had lived there before, families that had grown up, run and shouted through the hallways, broken things, grown things, fallen in love. Instead of the occupants owning the house, the house owned a part of each of them.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“.. then when the hurt goes, anger takes its place; when the anger runs out of system, loneliness steps in to take over. it's a never ending circle of emotions; every lost emotion being replaced by another.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“You've come to give me a piece of your mind, I repeated, looking at her. "You know that phrase is really beautiful. The mind is the most powerful thing in the body, you know, whatever the mind believes, the body can achieve. So to give someone a piece of it...well, thank you, Elizabeth. Funny how people are always intent on giving it to the people they dislike when it really should be for the ones they love. There's another funny thing. But a piece of your mind...what a gift that would be." I looped the last stalk and formed a chain. "I'll give you a daisy chain in return for a piece of your mind." I slid the bracelet onto her arm.She sat on the grass. Didn't move, didn't say anything, just looked at her daisy chain. Then she smiled and when she spoke her voice was soft. "Has anyone ever been mad at you for more than five minutes."I looked at my watch. "Yes. You, from the o'clock this morning until now.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Age is just a number, not a state of mind or a reason for any type of particular behaviour.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“That's what life is about: People come and go.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“You know, sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.''And yet it is still extremely funny.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Love can change us beyond recognition, we become love-sick, soft-eyed jelly-bellied fools.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“She strived for perfection. She loved setting herself tasks, sometimes impossible ones, to prove to her heart that underneath every seemingly ugly thing there was something beautiful inside.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Love was one of those feelings that you could never control.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Chin up, don’t smile, don’t cry, don’t fall, walk.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“...you have to deal with the consequences of your actions.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“One thing of great importance can affect a small number of people. Equally so, a thing of little importance can affect a multitude. Either way, a happening — big or small — can affect an entire string of people. Occurences can join us all together.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“She had loved before, had been loved, had tasted what it was to dream, and had felt what it was to dance on air. She had also learned what it was to cruelly land back on the earth with a thud. Having to take care of her sister’s child had sent her love away and there had been no one since. She had learned not to lose control of her feelings again.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“People who constantly looked over their shoulders bumped into things. Paths are so much clearer when people stop looking at what everyone else is doing and instead concentrate on themselves.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Fifteen minutes later, Justin looks at his pint of blood with pride. He doesn't want it to go to some stranger, he almost wants to bring it to the hospital himself, survey the wards and present it to someone special, for it's the first thing to come straight from his heart in a very long time.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“But even in her laughter there was something missing. She never seemed to be truly happy; she just seemed to be passing time while she waited for something else. She was tired of just existing; she wanted to live.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“FatherMichael has entered the room Wildflower: Ah don’t tell me you’re through a divorce yourself Father? SureOne: Don’t be silly Wildflower, have a bit of respect! He’s here for the ceremony. Wildflower: I know that. I was just trying to lighten the atmosphere. FatherMichael: So have the loving couple arrived yet? SureOne: No but it’s customary for the bride to be late. FatherMichael: Well is the groom here? SingleSam has entered the room Wildflower: Here he is now. Hello there SingleSam. I think this is the first time ever that both the bride and groom will have to change their names. SingleSam: Hello all. Buttercup: Where’s the bride? LonelyLady: Probably fixing her makeup. Wildflower: Oh don’t be silly. No one can even see her. LonelyLady: SingleSam can see her. SureOne: She’s not doing her makeup; she’s supposed to keep the groom waiting. SingleSam: No she’s right here on the laptop beside me. She’s just having problems with her password logging in. SureOne: Doomed from the start.Divorced_1 has entered the roomWildflower: Wahoo! Here comes the bride, all dressed in . . . SingleSam: Black. Wildflower: How charming. Buttercup: She’s right to wear black. Divorced_1: What’s wrong with misery guts today? LonelyLady: She found a letter from Alex that was written 12 years ago proclaiming his love for her and she doesn’t know what to do. Divorced_1: Here’s a word of advice. Get over it, he’s married. Now let’s focus the attention on me for a change. SoOverHim has entered the room FatherMichael: OK let’s begin. We are gathered here online today to witness the marriage of SingleSam (soon to be “Sam”) and Divorced_1 (soon to be “Married_1”). SoOverHim: WHAT?? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE? THIS IS A MARRIAGE CEREMONY IN A DIVORCED PEOPLE CHAT ROOM?? Wildflower: Uh-oh, looks like we got ourselves a gate crasher here. Excuse me can we see your wedding invite please? Divorced_1: Ha ha.SoOverHim: YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY? YOU PEOPLE MAKE ME SICK, COMING IN HERE AND TRYING TO UPSET OTHERS WHO ARE GENUINELY TROUBLED. Buttercup: Oh we are genuinely troubled alright. And could you please STOP SHOUTING. LonelyLady: You see SoOverHim, this is where SingleSam and Divorced_1 met for the first time. SoOverHim: OH I HAVE SEEN IT ALL NOW! Buttercup: Sshh! SoOverHim: Sorry. Mind if I stick around? Divorced_1: Sure grab a pew; just don’t trip over my train. Wildflower: Ha ha. FatherMichael: OK we should get on with this; I don’t want to be late for my 2 o’clock. First I have to ask, is there anyone in here who thinks there is any reason why these two should not be married? LonelyLady: Yes. SureOne: I could give more than one reason.Buttercup: Hell yes. SoOverHim: DON’T DO IT! FatherMichael: Well I’m afraid this has put me in a very tricky predicament. Divorced_1: Father we are in a divorced chat room, of course they all object to marriage. Can we get on with it? FatherMichael: Certainly. Do you Sam take Penelope to be your lawful wedded wife? SingleSam: I do. FatherMichael: Do you Penelope take Sam to be your lawful wedded husband? Divorced_1: I do (yeah, yeah my name is Penelope). FatherMichael: You have already e-mailed your vows to me so by the online power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride. Now if the witnesses could click on the icon to the right of the screen they will find a form to type their names, addresses, and phone numbers. Once that’s filled in just e-mail it off to me. I’ll be off now. Congratulations again. FatherMichael has left the room Wildflower: Congrats Sam and Penelope! Divorced_1: Thanks girls for being here. SoOverHim: Freaks. SoOverHim has left the room”
Cecelia Ahern
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“If miracles had chemical equations then everyone would believe.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“People forget they have options. And they forget that those things don't really matter. They should concentrate on what they have and not what they don't have. And by the way, wishing and dreaming doesn't mean concentrating on what you don't have, it's positive thinking that encourages hoping and believing, not whinging and moaning.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Don’t ever take it for granted when people look into you’re eyes… You’ve no idea how important it is to be acknowledged. Even if it is an angry glare, because it’s when they ignore you, when they look right through you, that you should start worrying.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Life has a way of getting what it wants when it really knows what it wants.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Truth is, something that I thought was perfect was taken away from me, and I never wanted perfect again. I wanted middle of the road, stuff I didn’t care about so that I couldn’t lose anything I really loved ever again.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“I have found that the many imbalances within our individual lives result in an overall more worldly balance. What I mean is that no matter how unfair I think something is, I need only look at the bigger picture to see how, in a way, it fits... however impossible it is to understand it or see it at the time.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“To mention it was to ask a favor and that as you were too generous, and as for her to ask was always to have, she wouldn't”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Home isn't a place, its a feeling”
Cecelia Ahern
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“what you don't know, you don't miss”
Cecelia Ahern
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“people who say its a long story, mean it's a stupid short one that they are too embarrassed and couldn't be bothered to tell”
Cecelia Ahern
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“That was other thing I hated about kids; they always said the exact things that deep down you already knew, would never admit, and most certainly never wanted to hear.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Any tightrope walker can walk in a straight line and hold a cane at the same time. It's the balancing on the rope at those dizzying heights that they have to practise”
Cecelia Ahern
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“They say a story loses something with each telling.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“For the yesterdays and todays, and the tomorrows I can hardly wait for - Thank you.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Lo cotidiano, lo ordinario, lo mundano es lo que mantiene el motor en marcha. Qué extraordinario es lo ordinario en realidad, una herramienta que todos usamos para seguir adelante, una pauta para la cordura.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Sé paciente y resiste; algún día este dolor te será útil.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Pero la mayoría de las veces, las decisiones fáciles son las erróneas y e ocasiones sentimos que vamos hacia atrás cuando en realidad estamos avanzando.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“She was a woman who made mistakes, who sometimes cried on a Monday morning or at night alone in bed. She was a woman who often became bored with her life and found it hard to get up for work in the morning. She was a woman who more often than not had a bad hair day, who looked in the mirror and wondered why she couldn't just drag herself to the gym more often; she was a woman who sometimes questioned what reason had she to live on this planet. She was a woman who sometimes just got things wrong.On the other hand, she was a woman with a million happy memories, who knew what it was like to experience true love and who was ready to experience more life, more love and make new memories.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“You have the rest of your lives to catch up together. After all, soulmates always end up together. [...] Ey-girlfriends are easily forgotten. Best friends stay with you for ever.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Today I love you more than ever; tomorrow I will love you even more. I need you more than ever, I want you more than ever.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“I don't know why men like to barbecue so much. Maybe its the only thing they can cook. Or maybe they're just closet pyromaniacs.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Perhaps I’ve been rushing my whole entire life, jumping into things headfirst without thinking them through. Running through the days without noticing the minutes.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Her eyes, mostly cast downward, occasionally flicker upwards to meet his before falling again. She is apologetic for everything, as always, constantly saying sorry to the world, as though as her very presence offends.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“It occurs to me how close happiness and sadness are. So closely knitted together. Such a thin line, a thread-like divide that in the midst of emotions, it trembles, blurring the territory of exact opposites ... how quickly a moment of love was snapped away to a moment of hate ... Of how love and war stand upon the very same foundations. How, in my darkest moments, my most fearful times, when faced, became my bravest. When feeling at your weakest you end up showing more strength, when at your lowest are suddenly lifted above higher than you've ever been. They all border one another, the opposites, and how we can be altered. Despair can be altered by one simple smile offered by a stranger; confidence can become fear by the arrival of one uneasy presence. ... How similar emotions are.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Imagining and fantasizing did nothing but break her heart.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“It's funny because when you're a child, you believe you can be anything you want to be, go wherever you want to go. There's no limit to what you can dream. You expect the unexpected, you believe in magic, in fairy tales, and in possibilities. Then you grow older and that innocence is shattered and somewhere along the way the reality of life gets in the way and you're hit by the realization that you can't be all you wanted to be, you just might have to settle for a little bit less.Or perhaps a variation of what you once wanted.Why do we stop believing in ourselves? Why do we let facts and figures and anything but dreams rule our lives?”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Her life in ink.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“There were hundreds of them spread across the floor, each telling its own tale of triumph or sadness, each letter representing a phase in her life. She had kept them all.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“FatherMichael: OK we should get on with this; I don’t want to be late formy 2 o’clock. First I have to ask, is there anyone in herewho thinks there is any reason why these two should notbe married?LonelyLady: Yes.SureOne: I could give more than one reason.Buttercup: Hell yes.SoOverHim: DON’T DO IT!FatherMichael: Well I’m afraid this has put me in a very tricky predicament.Divorced_1: Father we are in a divorced chat room, of course they allobject to marriage. Can we get on with it?”
Cecelia Ahern
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“I had a million plans. I knew what I was going to do. I had the next few years of my life all figured out.But what I didn’t know was that within a few hours all those plans would change. Ms. Know-it-all didn’t quite know it all so much then.”
Cecelia Ahern
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