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Cecelia Ahern

“One must not speak of such things. One is still scarred from that experience.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“She couldn't remember the last time she hugged someone, really hugged someone.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Love frees a soul and in the same breath can sometimes suffocate it.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“How else do you think life happens? A series of coincidences and occurrences have to happen somehow. Our lives all crash and collide and you think there's no reason or rhyme to it? If there wasn't any reason for it all, what would be the point? Why do you think anything happens at all? There is an outcome, repercussions and occurrences to everybody you meet and everything you say.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Sometimes wrong numbers are the right numbers”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Don't mind all those people who say that you should be back to normal in a month or two. Grieving is all part of helping yourself anyway.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“You never forget about things you've done that you know you shouldn't have done. They hang around your mind, linger like a thief casing a joint for a future job. You see them there, dramatically lurking nearby in striped monochrome, leaping behind postboxes as soon as your head whips around to confront them. Or it's a familiar face in a crowd that you glimpse but then lose sight of. An annoying Where's Wally? forever locked away and hidden in every thought in your conscience. The bad thing that you did, always there to let you know.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“hundreds of butts in piles on the ground to mark the spot, their lives sucked out of them by their users in panicked distressed frenzy, their souls floating around the insides of lungs while their outsides were dropped, stamped on and deserted”
Cecelia Ahern
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“But Holly, nobody’s life is filled with perfect little moments. And if it were, they wouldn’t be perfect little moments. They would just be normal. How would you ever know happiness if you never experienced downs?”
Cecelia Ahern
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“And that is how the problems were always fixed. Fix them on the surface but don't go to the root, always ignoring the elephant in the room. I think that morning was when I realized I'd grown up with an elephant in every room. It was practically our family pet.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Finding someone you love and loves you back is a wonderful feeling. But finding a true soulmate is an even better feelin. A soulmate is someone who understands you like no other will be there for you forever no matter what.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“He tried to tell me week after week to accept things as they were and move on with my life. But if there was one man who had put his life on hold to wait for something or someone, it was him.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“He was one of those people who made you feel like they either didn't know or didn't care that you were in the room and if they ever did acknowledge your existence it was bizarrely score one to you, and twenty years later they'd tell you they'd always had a crush on you but never had the courage to say anything and you'd tell them, What? I didn't even think you liked me? and they'd say, Are you crazy? I just never knew what to say!”
Cecelia Ahern
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“We had come here to have a break from thoughts and the hard work that came with the constant interaction with idiots. Or at least people we considered idiots because they were not mind readers and we had to, patiently, use polite words to explain things that we were thinking when really inside we were fighting the urge to take their heads in our hands and softly and repeatedly thud their foreheads off the wall.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Sometimes you have to give yourself to somebody in order to see who you are. Sometimes you have to unravel things to get to the core”
Cecelia Ahern
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“This story is about people,secrets and time.About people who, not unlike parcels,hide secrets,who cover themselves with layers until they present themselves to the right ones who can unwrap them and see inside.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“at your weakest, you end up showing more strength; at your lowest, you are suddenly lifted higher than you’ve ever been. They all border one another, these opposites and show how quickly we can be altered.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“oh well, is it hurting anyone? Because if its not and you’ve been given it, I’d as soon stop calling it a thing and start referring to it as a gift.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“I used to think that it was better to have too much than too little, but now I think if the too much was never supposed to be yours, you should just take what is yours and give the rest back.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Он убирает волосы с моего лба и громко плачет. Я никогда не слышала, чтобы он плакал. Даже когда умерла мама. Он сжимает мою руку с силой, о существовании которой в его старом теле я не подозревала, и вспоминаю, что я - это все, что у него есть, и что он опять, как и раньше, - весь мой мир. Кровь продолжает в спешке нестись по моему телу. Скорей, скорей, скорей. Мы всегда спешим. Может быть, я опять спешу. Может быть, мне еще не время уходить.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Seeming and being are not one and the same.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Two lost things that had survived the seas and arrived on a coastline. What did they do? They implanted themselves in the sand and grew into trees and lined the beaches. Sometimes a lot can come of being all washed up. You can really grow.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Hope like that, as I thought before, doesn’t make you a weak person. It’s hopelessness that makes you weak. Hope makes you stronger, because it brings with it a sense of reason. Not a reason for how or why they were taken from you, but a reason for you to live. Because it’s a maybe. A ‘maybe someday things won’t always be this shit.’ And that ‘maybe’ immediately makes the shittiness better.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“That somehow dreams are a blurred line between here and there, like a meeting room in a prison. You’re both in the same room, yet on different sides and really, in different worlds.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“sometimes we have absolutely no idea where we are, we need the smallest clue to show us where to begin.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Our minds do unusual things sometimes, Tamara. When we’re looking for things it takes it upon itself to go down its own route. All we can do is follow”
Cecelia Ahern
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“I suppose it’s easier to see the way out of anything when you’ve found your way out of that maze. When you’re stuck in the middle, in a series of dead-ends making circles, it’s difficult to make any sense of anything.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“I also believe that when people are going through difficult situations in life... it causes them to search a lot more. They search life and search their soul. When you’re searching, you’re suddenly a lot more open to the world around you, to the possibilities, to things you never thought about before. — When you’re happy, you don’t question the world so much. When you’re lost, you question everything. The very reason why it is so essential to human self-discovery”
Cecelia Ahern
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“She needed to talk, she needed to cry, she needed to vent all her frustrations and disappointments.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“The first day of the rest of my life, and I’m not sure I want tobe here. I know I should be thanking somebody for this, but I reallydon’t feel like it. Instead, I wish they hadn’t bothered.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“they worry about my sanity i join with them on that”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Empty words almost echo within themselves”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Every single time you crossed over for me and met me on my side. I realize now, I don't think I ever met you in the middle. And I don't think I ever once said that you for that.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Sometimes there is only one thing left to say, P. S. I Love You....”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Not like a heart, which let people in without permission, held them in a special place she never had any say in and then yearned for them to remain there longer than they planned.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Alone because love wasone of those feelings that you could never have control of. And she neededto be in control. She had loved before, had been loved, had tasted what it wasto dream, and had felt what it was to dance on air. She had also learned whatit was to cruelly land back on the earth with a thud.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Most of all she loved that when she hugged him her head would rest neatly just below his chin, where she could feel his breath lightly blowing her hair and tickling her head.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“well i think its quite obvious that if you're going to rely on something to carry your wishes, you might as well know where exactly it has come from and where it intends on going”
Cecelia Ahern
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“life's kind of like a painting. A really bizarre, abstract painting. You could look at it and think that all it is, is a blur. And you could continue living your life thinking that all it is, is just a blur. But if you really look at it, really see it, focus on it, and use your imagination, life can become so much more. The painting could be of the sea, the sky, people,buildings, a butterfly on a flower, or anything except the blur you were once convinced it was.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“So this is what you do when it all slows down and the minutes that tick by feel a little longer than before. You take your time. You breathe slowly. You open your eyes a little wider and look at everything. Take it all in. Rehash stories of old, remember people, times, and occasions gone by. Allow everything you see to remind you of something. Talk about those things. Find out the answers you didn’t know to yesterday’s crosswords. Slow down. Stop trying to do everything now, now, now. Hold up the people behind you for all you care, feel them kicking at your heels but maintain your pace. Don’t let anybody else dictate your speed.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“I cant' believe Doris's hair is real too.''All but the colour. ...”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Forty-three years old, he is handsome and he knows it, but it's not a view that is held with arrogance. His opinion on his looks are merely understood with the same logic he applies to tasting a fine wine. The grape was merely grown in the right place, under the right conditions. Some degree of nurturing and love mixed with later moments of being completely trampled on and walked all over.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Elizabeth’s hands flew to her mouth; tears filled her eyes with happinessas she realized he was fulfilling yet another of her and her mother’s intended activities.“Why are you fulfilling all of my mother’s dreams?” she asked, studyinghis face and searching for answers.“So you don’t run away like she did in search of them,” he replied, takingher hand. “Come on, join in!” he said, leaping around.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“I thought that it was 'cause I deserved the best and he's out there. He's just with all the wrong women. And let me be clear. After CENTURIES of men looking at my tits in stead of my eyes and pinching my ass instead of shaking my hand, I now have the *DIVINE* right to stare at a man's BACKSIDE with vulgar, cheap appreciation if I want to!”
Cecelia Ahern
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“So now, all alone or not, you gotta walk ahead. Thing to remember is if we're all alone, then we're all together in that too.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“The important thing is not what we look like, but the role we play in ourbest friend’s life. Friends choose certain friends because that’s the kind of company they are looking for at that specific time, not because they’re thecorrect height, age, or have the right hair color”
Cecelia Ahern
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“There's no limit to what you can dream. You expect the unexpected, you believe in magic, in fairy tales, and in possibilities. Then you grow older and that innocence is shattered and somewhere along the way the reality of life gets in the way and you're hit by the realization that you can't be all you wanted to be, you just might have to settle for a little bit less.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Your heart can break at any age.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“We each have our hiding places and we each put up with the little quirks of the people we love.”
Cecelia Ahern
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“Now let me teach you another thing about my daughter. I love her very much but she has the ability to hide as expertly as a sock in a washing machine. No one knows where it goes, just as no one knows where she goes, but at least when she decides to come back, we're all here, waiting for her.”
Cecelia Ahern
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