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Cecil B. DeMille

“Our modern world defined God as a ‘religious complex’ and laughed at the Ten Commandments as OLD FASHIONED. Then, through the laughter came the shattering thunder of the World War. And now a blood-drenched, bitter world — no longer laughing — cries for a way out. There is but one way out. It existed before it was engraven upon Tablets of Stone. It will exist when stone has crumbled. The Ten Commandments are not rules to obey as a personal favor to God. They are the fundamental principles without which mankind cannot live together. They are not laws — they are The Law.”
Cecil B. DeMille
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“I might have remembered what my father once wrote to Henry George, "I never do anything by halves, and am half hearted in no cause that I embrace.”
Cecil B. DeMille
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“Now, public libraries are most admirable institutions, but they have one irritating custom. They want their books back.”
Cecil B. DeMille
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“The person who makes a success of living is the one who sees his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly. That is dedication. ”
Cecil B. DeMille
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“It is impossible for us to break the law. We can only break ourselves against the law.”
Cecil B. DeMille
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“Creativity is a drug I cannot live without.”
Cecil B. DeMille
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“Only twice in my nearly fifty years of friendship with David Belasco did he ever disappoint me; and I am glad that experience came early. When I was perhaps seven or eight years old, he promised me, many months before my birthday, that he would give me a pony. What boy would nurse that promise to his bosom for any number of months? When the 12th of August dawned, I was downstairs early, I think before anyone else was up. I looked out at the barnyard. No pony. I waited all day. No pony. I said nothing. No pony. There were other presents, of course, and all the other excitement of a small boy’s birthday: but underneath it I was having my very first experience of a forgotten promise.”
Cecil B. DeMille
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