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Cecilia Aubrey

Cecilia Aubrey is an Air Force Brat, born by chance in Oregon, but now living in the Bay Area, California. Although she has dabbled in writing on and off over the years, the majority of her career has been spent putting her marketing degree to good use.

It was in 2010, when she joined a role-playing group that the desire to write was reignited. A few months later, together with partner in crime, Chris Almeida, she moved on to write suspense driven erotic romance with sexy, technologically inclined men and woman.

Today, they have several published novels and short stories to their credit and are working on the third installment of their series. Through all the chaos and laughter, they still hold true to their roots, bringing their favorite role-play characters and stories to life.

Cecilia and Chris are always up for a chat. You can find them most days on Facebook or Twitter or hit them up via the email in the contact us page on their website.

“Jessica guffawed. “Well, almost every need. It will be every need when we walk in the door and they have gorgeous men waiting for us as well.”“Nope, not happening.” Cassandra took a chip, dipped it in the salsa,and popped it in her mouth. “Not interested in a relationship. Men are high maintenance, and relationships only bring pain.”Jessica flicked a chip across the table at her and sat back in her chair. Herexpression became sober as she looked at her best friend. “Seriously Cassie,you don’t believe that.”
Cecilia Aubrey
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“With a snort, Trevor responded, “A amadáin? It means you fool, but it’s really a polite Irish way of calling someone an asshole. Since there are no assholes in Ireland, we don’t really have a word for them, so that’s what we say.”His expression was so serious, Cassandra couldn’t help but burst out laughing. “I’ll have to remember that one. I know a few back home.”“A few assholes or Irishmen?”
Cecilia Aubrey
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“If you think you can just scare the crap out of me and walk home like nothing happened you are very wrong, mister." Cassie's voice, although steady, was now seething with anger. "What the hell happened out there, Trevor!?"Trevor checked his surroundings, crawled closer to the gate, and popped his head around the corner of the wall to check the house. Again, loud growls echoed in his ears and the gate shook under weight of a body butting up against it. The dogs were right in his face doing what they were trained to do—guard the property."Dogs, Cassie...big dogs happened.”
Cecilia Aubrey
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