Cezar Paul-Badescu (born 1968, in Bucharest, Romania) graduated from Bucharest University with a Degree in Literature in 1996 and was awarded an MA in the Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature by the same institution in 1995. Since 1996, he has worked as an editor for Dilema magazine (in the meantime renamed Dilema Veche). In 1997, he edited an issue of the magazine that questioned the mythologies surrounding Romania’s national poet, Mihai Eminescu. The issue provoked irate reactions in the Romanian press and led to statements being made in Romania’s Parliament. Cezar Paul-Badescu was threatened with a “firing squad” in nationalist publications. In 1999, he edited an anthology named The Eminescu Case (Paralela 45 Publishing House, Pitesti), which once more drew protests from the nationalists, and in 2000 he was awarded the Mihai Eminescu Medal for Cultural Merit by the President of Romania. He made his literary debut in 1995, in the anthology Tablou de familie (Family Portrait) - Leka Brincus Publishing House, Bucharest. Polirom Publishing House has published his novels Tineretile lui Daniel Abagiu (The Childhoods of Daniel Abagiu) (2004) and Luminita, mon amour (2006). Both novels have been published in Bulgarian translation. În 2013, Humanitas Publishing House has published his essays book Shadows On The Transition’s Screen.
Since 2007, Cezar Paul-Badescu has been the head of the Culture section of Adevarul newspaper.
“...Sau poate că un ingredient al dragostei este compasiunea - cine ştie?”
“Cînd am ajuns sã frecventez slujbele, aveam sã constat cã biserica e plinã de oameni resentimentari, rãi și egoiști, dar care, pentru cã nu se fãceau vinovați de activitãți sexuale ilicite (de multe ori nu se fãceau vinovați de nicio activitate sexualã, fiindcã îi iertase Dumnezeu de astfel de probleme), erau considerați în regulã.”
“Ma intereseaza decupajul, ca in cazul fotografiei. De ce e fotografia arta? Pentru ca, din realitatea pe care o stim cu totii, se decupeaza o chestie semnificativa. Cam asta fac si eu, decupand bucati semnificative din realitate, pe care le asamblez in asa fel incat sa spuna ceea ce vreau eu. Fictionalizez, bineinteles, mai adaug si un sos, nu las bucatile de carne macra. Pe de o parte, feliile de realitate sunt trecute prin subiectivitatea mea, sunt repovestite. Dupa prelucrarea aceasta, le mai adaug si sosul care sa le faca apetisante din punct de vedere literar.”